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Requested from invinciblemoonwalker

An: Happy (late) New Year! I was going to post on New Years' but my allergies decided to kick my ass.

~ Beautiful ~
~*Part Four*~

~ Beautiful ~~*Part Four*~

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"Let go of her!" Michael yelled at the guards, trying to tell them to put me down.

I was currently getting choked, my feet were slightly off the ground and my eyes were pouring salty tears. I held onto the guard's wrist with one hand as I tried to get out of his grip. Michael kept screaming at them to stop; they didn't listen. They continued and continued to do this so they could serve their leader.

I hit the guard's arm, trying to break loose. I successfully did and fell on my ass, holding my throat and coughing. I was a fighter, I wasn't going to die like this.

The larger guard in front of me looked down at me as I slowly got up; I could hear Michael struggling to get out of the two guards' grips. I put my fists up as the guard chuckles. This man– or creature was covered in tubes and wires; he was taller than me so this is already difficult. I kicked him in his chest and he took a stumble back and looked at me, not prepared.

I mimicked his chuckle as he huffed. He came at me and I dodged him from grabbing me. I hit him in the face and continue to dodge him. Michael was still having difficulty getting the guards holding him back off of him but he did knock one out.

I tried to kick the guard that was fighting in the chest again but failed, and he instantly grabbed it. The guard smirked as I looked at him, nervously. He held on to my leg tightly and grabbed my arm, lifting me and throwing me to the brick wall. I hit the back of my head as well as my back.

My vision was blurry and my head hurt.
I saw a blurry picture of Michael trying to defend me as I slowly got up from the floor, rubbing the back of my head. My vision got a little better but my breathing didn't, because the guard grabbed my throat again squeezing it tighter than before.

Michael was getting back up but the same guards he previously knocked out, suddenly got back up to hold him back and beat him up. I was quickly losing breath and right now, I thought I was going to die...

Until the bell rang for the torturers' lunch.

The guard lets go of my throat, I drop to my knees and hold my throat, coughing again. I was saved by the bell. I heard a groan from Michael then a thump. I glanced up, seeing Michael holding his gut as he laid on the ground. I was slightly pissed at him, he didn't listen to me when I told him to go and now he's in this torture chamber with me.

I slowly get up from the floor, rubbing my throat, "Why didn't you leave?" I groaned, my coughing was starting to calm down.

He gets up from the dirty concrete, groaning, "I couldn't leave you to fight by yourself, Yn."

𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 • 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟐 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now