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I got news!

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I got news!

I'ma post a mixture of my ideas and requests but mostly requests.

I still want to know what ideas you have for Michael trying to get Yn back in Ditched. This is probably gonna be a long-ass series... or not, I don't know. We're barely on Part Five.

I caught up on some school work so I'm writing some new stuff and requests. I still want some Halloween requests! The only ones that are Halloween themes are Scary Movies and Among Us.

I won't force you to send Halloween requests but I suggest you do that. I will post a survey link if you want to do it that way or you can send them in the comments or you could PM me.

You can do anything to get your idea to me.
I'll try to do it as fast as I can.

Y'all can give me Thanksgiving requests if you want, it's Fall.

At the end of November, we can start sending Christmas themed requests.

And honestly, I love writing Christmas themed stuff, either sexual and cute.
I just love writing it.

I have social media if you want to send a request through there.

I have social media if you want to send a request through there

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I do go on social media, I won't post that much but I am there.

This may seem like a dick move but I'm only going to do the ones who have a name on them.

I like the ideas the unknown give me but I want to give you credit; you came up with the idea, I didn't. The only thing I did was make it true.

So to the unknown people, let me know your username or resend a new request with your username either in here or in the survey I just posted.

I am doing the unknown ones from the very first survey that didn't ask for username; for example, Loving Bully will still be continuing even though it is requested by an unknown person.

Anyway, I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

Kisses 🤪😘

Kisses 🤪😘

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