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Requested from invinciblemoonwalker

An: Y'all don't know but when I read this request, I fangirled so hard. I've been waiting for someone to give at least a little Captain EO. I love that short film!

Since this is Captain EO and not Michael Jackson, Michael's name is EO; I'm still using Michael in the book because it will get confusing. BUT it will be at his nickname.

~ Beautiful ~
~*Part One*~

~ Beautiful ~~*Part One*~

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"This planet doesn't look dangerous, Idee," Odee says to Idee, who was attached to Odee's orange fur-covered body.

She glanced back at me, waving her hand as she spoke, "Is this it, Yn?"

I spoke up, walking next to them, "Yeah, this is it."

Odee started to mess with the controls, "We better find that landing beacon."

I crouched down to one of the Geex levels while looking through the glass to see the stars, "It should be here somewhere."

I heard Idee call Hooter, letting him know that we're close to the assigned planet. He jumped up off of his bed, smiling and blowing his nose.

"Don't get too close," Major Domo said, causing me to get up and turn around to look at him as he spoke. "Or you'll trip their intrusion alarm."

I walked past him as he limped his way to the front, where Hooter, Fuzzball, and the Geex were.

"Yeah, don't blow it, you guys," Hooter says, still blaming the Geex for our previous mission.

"Relax, there's no problem," Odee said and instantly Idee agreed.

I walked over to the Captain's station, looking at the controls. Minor Domo looks up at me then rolls to the other side of the Captain's console of controls. Michael said he was going to teach me how to drive someday.

I remember when he showed me around his ship...


"This is the ship," Captain EO said, holding his hands behind his back as he looked around.

I just got acceptance into his crew and this is my first day on his ship.

I hope his crew is good as well as his ship.

"You're bunk is right there." EO nodded his head towards my quarters.

It was right across the Captain's control console and next to another bunk. I place my duffel bag on the bunk EO assigned me to.

"Eo, where's your crew?" I turn around to face him, placing my hands behind me and getting into a usual stance.

"On break, they'll be back, and don't call me EO. I don't like formalities." He sighs.

𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 • 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟐 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now