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It was a cold summer night. The moon was lighting up the poorly lit prison building. The leaves of the trees rustled in the cold wind as I made my way on top of a tree and looked at the massive building.

I shivered as a gust of wind blew in my face, making my long hair sway. I put on my hood, hiding my brown hair and jumped down from the tree, running closer to the Prison. I arrived at the stone wall and placed my slim body against it. The guards on the wall were doing their usual guarding routine, which was easy to get used to and, of course, get past. If my calculations are correct, which they usually are, I will be able to jump the wall in thirteen seconds.

After I had fully counted down, I used my gift and jumped up the wall and landed on it. I quickly ran into the castle and hid behind a small table that was placed in the corner of the hallway. I was almost invisible with my black clothes and small figure. A guard walked right past me and yawned as he disappeared out of my sight. Once I made sure he was gone I quickly came out behind the table and ran deeper into the prison.

I made my way down to the prison cells located in the basement. These were the cells reserved for members of the Order of Galekin. I took a detour past the weaponry, where I picked up a small knife which belongs to the friend who I was breaking out tonight. The journey towards the prison cells was easy enough. The guards aren't top notch, even if they are working at the most guarded prison in the kingdom. I opened the door that led to the prisons and silently made my way down some stairs. I walked past multiple cells, but there was only one cell with someone in it. Fortunately for me, that person was the one I was supposed to break out. I walked up to my objective and grinned at her as I stopped in front of her cell door.

"That took you longer than I thought." My friend crossed her arms and glared at me.

I grinned and rolled my eyes. "I'm not the one who got caught again" I said as I unlocked the door of her cell with a key I stole from a guard earlier this month when I also had to break my friend out of here.

"So, I assume you have an escape plan?" My friend walked out of her cell and looked into my crystal blue eyes.

"Yeah," I paused, "you're not gonna like it."

My friends grin faded into a troubled expression. "O-oh no... I'm not jumping out of a tower." I gave her a sheepish smile and the black-haired girl groaned. "You know I have a fear of heights!"

I sighed. "It's the fastest and safest way out." I tried to persuade her.

My friend placed her hands on her hips. "How is jumping out of a tower the safest way?"

"Because I am with you." I stated simply. "Also, keep your voice down." I added.

"As much as I believe in your leaping ability, it doesn't take away the fear of falling to my death." My friend whispered.

I just glared at her, annoyed. It seems as if my friend slowly crumbled under the pressure, and finally;

"O-ok fine. We'll jump. L-let's just get it over with." She started walking up the stairs. I giggled and followed her.

We made our way through the prison quietly. As I said earlier, the guards here aren't particularly smart. We just ducked down somewhere whenever a guard passed by.

"Are we there yet?" my friend was shaking slightly at this point, "We've climbed so many staircases already."

I rolled my eyes. "Just shut up and follow me, ok?"

My friend just groaned behind me in protest but knew that she had to keep going to get out of this place.

We managed to get to another hallway, in front of us was the entrance to the tower we were going to jump out of. My friend was getting more and more nervous with every step she took, but she knew what I was doing. I am, after all, The Flying Archer.

Suddenly a loud bell was heard throughout the prison "The Prisoner has escaped!" we heard someone, presumably a guard, yell.

Oh great.

My friends and I turned around as we heard a guard come up the stairs. His eyes widened when he saw the two of us.

"HERE THEY ARE... wait, they?" his shouting turned into mumbling as he noticed that there were two of us.

My friend sighed. "So... what do we do?"

I grabbed my bow and shot the guard who started panicking as he knew his last moments were upon him. The guard fell on the ground as my arrow hit him. "Let's continue running. We're almost out!"

We bolted up the stairs and my friend used her knife to kill the guard who was guarding the tower. I grabbed my friend's hand and climbed up on the stone wall. I pulled my friend up as she started restraining. Her grey colored eyes looked terrified as she looked down and then back up to me. I gave her a warm smile, trying to calm her down with little success.

We heard guards running up the stairs. Ten of them, by the sound of it.

"Let's get them, there is no way to go!" The first guard to reach the top yelled as he drew his sword.

I smirked. "Wrong answer." I said as I jumped. My friend screamed out of fear as I made a leap towards a big tree below us. As we landed on the tree, my friend immediately let go of my hand and made her way down. I got out my bow and shot a crystal blue arrow at a guard who was aiming his arrow at me. Thankfully, my bow was faster. After that I made my way down the tree and started running with my friend.

That arrow was a sign. A sign of the Flying Archer, the top assassin of the Order of Galekin. That arrow is a sign of me.

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