Chapter 31, Inside Enemy Territory

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*Lydia's POV*

The next morning, I woke up completely refreshed. I was warm and for the first time in my life I felt completely safe and without worry. I tried to move but realized I was stuck. Slight panic flashed through my body until I realized who's arms I was stuck in. Theodore must have fallen asleep in my bed last night. He was still very much shirtless, and he had his arms around my waist and had pulled me close to him, so my back was safely against his chest.

I carefully turned around, making sure not to wake him. He looked peaceful while asleep. His blonde hair slightly messy and covering his eyes, which were still shut. His breathing was even, and I couldn't help but smile widely at the innocent looking prince. I reached forward and softly kissed his forehead. He squirmed a little and then pulled me closer into his chest.


I froze when I heard someone knock on the door. Uh oh... I looked at Theo, still fast asleep. There was no way he would be able to wake up and hide without making either too much noise or the person on the other side becoming impatient. I decided to slip from his grip and open the door.

Theo whined softly at the loss of touch but turned around and continued sleeping. I sighed in relief and walked over to the door.

I opened it slightly, so only my face would be visible. Sereen's grey eyes met mine as she frowned. I slipped out the room and closed the door behind me.

"Good morning," I said smiling.

Sereen narrowed her eyes at me and scanned my body. Huh? She then got the widest grin on her face. My smile faltered.

"I didn't know you and the prince started to share wardrobes." She spoke.

I frowned and looked at my body. Oh no... I was still wearing Theo's shirt. My head shot up. "Uh... I can explain-"

"THE TWO OF YOU FINALLY STARTED DATING! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Sereen jumped up and down in excitement.

"Shhhhh, we don't want the whole world to know." I whisper yelled.

Sereen hugged me, "Oh, my baby is all grown up!" she wasn't as loud as before but still too loud for my comfort.

"Sereen I'm serious. We don't want anyone else to know."

Sereen smirked as she grabbed my shoulders, "How did this happen? And when? And what happened between the two of you? have you had s-"

"Ok! I get it." I interrupted quickly. "I uh... I don't know... we just kinda talked and... uh..." I tried to find a good lie to cover my embarrassing and quite heated confession.

The door behind me opened and I froze.

A very sleepy Theodore walked out of the room, "what's going on. I heard yelling." He said, half yawning the sentence as he rubbed his eyes. His voice was very husky, and I couldn't help but love the morning voice. I groaned and braced myself.


Theodore seemed to wake up from that. "Oh... uh... Fuck." He faced me, "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "don't worry about it I already gave us away." I said as I tugged my shirt, letting him know I was still wearing it. Theodore smiled as he took in my appearance, clearly happy with my attire.

"The two of you have a lot of explaining to do. Oooooh I can't wait to tell Anna." Sereen started to walk off.

My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed her hand, keeping her here. "Remember what I told you?"

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