Chapter 35, Their Secret Weapon

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*Lydia's POV*

I was already in the castle, Theo let me in this morning. I was now above the throne room, making my way towards the position I would be in.

Last night, I had informed Theo about the plan,

I had snuck in through the library and hid myself in Theo's room until he came in. I had grabbed him and covered his mouth so he wouldn't make a sound. When he turned around and saw it was me, he immediately pressed his lips on mine.

I broke the kiss, "Hi..." I whispered sheepishly.

Theo scanned my body for injuries, "I was so worried about you." he whispered as he put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to his body.

I smiled, "I'm ok. Listen Theo, I don't have much time, I need to inform you about the plan."

Theo nodded, "Go ahead."

I told him about the plan to take down Steven and to negotiate with his father. He had cringed at that, "My father was really angry when you escaped. He won't listen easily."

I nodded and told him Lawrence would join us in persuading him, and he agreed to give it a shot. When I was done, I told him I had to leave but he stopped me.

"Lydia, we had a meeting today. Steven is already expecting you." I nodded at him and told him Lawrence had already taken that into consideration. "Ok, but he told us something." Theo glanced at the door as if he was afraid someone would barge in at any second, "He said that he had a sure way to defeat the Flying Archer, and it really didn't seem like he was bluffing."

I frowned. "I won't go down easily. Don't worry about me. did he say what it was?"

Theo shook his head, "No nothing. He wouldn't budge. Only that it was their secret weapon."

I smirked, "Well, it's not so secret anymore now is it?"

Theo smiled and kissed me on my cheek. "Be careful love."

I smiled, "Always am. You be careful too. You're our secret weapon." I kissed him on the lips, which ended up continuing a bit longer than we both were planning. Eventually, we broke away. "I have to go now."

Theo nodded, "Goodnight love."

"Goodnight." I said and with that I made my way to his balcony and jumped off it.


I jumped to another beam. No one had noticed me yet, which was good. Below me were the King, Steven and Theodore, discussing something. I zoned into the conversation.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused!?" The King's voice boomed.

"Yes father." Theo responded submissively, but his voice was determined.

Oh, so Theo is getting a scolding.

"What am I supposed to do with you? You go around playing with women while you're too gullible for your own good." The King asked.

I almost choked on air, Playing around with women?

"With all due respect father, I wasn't doing anything like that." This time I had to bite back a laugh. If only the King knew.

"What did you see in that girl anyway?" I froze and looked down.

Theodore had a passive expression. "Well, I have to say that she is pretty extraordinary." I grinned.

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