Chapter 32, Flying Archer Mode

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*Lydia's POV*

After our encounter with the King, Theo went to his study to catch up on paperwork. I had gone to the library.

The next day went similarly to the first. Theo had spent most his day doing paperwork and I had explored the castle. I made sure to stay clear of the King. He had pointed out the color of my eyes. If he had any suspicion, I didn't want to make it worse.

In the evening Theo and I spend some time together in his room. He apologized for not being around and told me he had a surprise for me the next day. I hate surprises but played his game. That night, I had also leaped back to Raebershire to let Alex know about the meeting. He ordered Anna to scout the meeting from the tree and told me that I had to keep her updated on events. Chris would go with Anna. He could quickly reach Raebershire if any bad news came out.

The next morning after breakfast, Theodore told me we were heading out. I grabbed my bow and Theo and I made our way through the woods. When we were out of sight from any onlookers, he had grabbed my hand and held me closer as we walked through the forest.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

Theo grinned, "You'll see." I sighed in annoyance which made Theo chuckle, "You really are quite impatient."

I rolled my eyes, "When I don't know what's going on, yes."

He smiled, "I'm not taking you anywhere dangerous."

"Then where are you taking me?" I asked in a sweet voice.

"You'll see."

I huffed irritably. We continued in silence. I started hearing water, there was a river nearby. We eventually reached a lake. It was beautiful. Theo let go of my hand, "what do you think?" he asked before he walked over to some rocks near the lake. He fished out a basket.

"I prepared a picnic." He said.

I raised an eyebrow, "what?"

He smiled as he opened the basket and got out a blanket, which he spread out over the grass. The then grabbed my hand and let me to the blanket and sat me down. "I'm sorry for not spending time with you. I thought we could have a day for ourselves."

My eyes widened slightly and then I smiled, "You're pretty cute Prince Charming."

He smiled, "I brought some sandwiches. I couldn't bring any warm food since I prepared this last night."

I tilted my head. "You did this last night?"

He nodded, "When you were at Raebershire I brough the basket out."

I gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you. No one has ever done something like this for me." I told him truthfully.

"Anything for my love." He said as he kissed my lips. We kissed for a short while before breaking away. He gave me a ham sandwich.

"It's beautiful here." I told him as I took a bite.

Theo nodded, "It's my secret hideout. I used to come here if I wanted to be alone."

"Were you allowed to go in here by yourself?" I asked.

He chuckled, "No. definitely not. I snuck out through the secret library exit. There would be guards at the doors of the library so I could sneak out without them even realizing I left the library."

"Seems you're smarter than I thought." I said with a smirk on my face.

Theo smiled back, "I told you I'm full of surprises."

I nodded, "Speaking of surprises, your father Is quite different from you."

"Is that really a surprise to you?"

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