Chapter 13, Idiot

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*Lydia's POV*

After our night at the Pony Inn, we headed back to Silvercliff and resumed military training as usual. Theodore had apologized to me for asking me what my greatest fear was, and I brushed it off and smiled at him, telling him it was ok and I was just tired that night. It had been interesting learning more about Theodore. Most of the information was useless, like his favorite color and animal but I had added it to his profile, nonetheless.

Sereen had been thoroughly embarrassed when she woke up in the morning, telling me how close she had allowed Chris to be and how she had actually enjoyed her night. I grinned while listening to her speak. She said Chris had been more of a gentleman, and how he had been cute in a way. Amber had been excited too, saying that Chris obviously had a crush on her and that the two should start dating. Thankfully, Sereen told Amber that she wasn't ready for a relationship, and that it was probably them both being drunk.

Training kept us busy, we had passed out survival assignment with flying colors. They were teaching us 'more advanced' techniques now. I already knew all of these of course. It was now the weekend, and I was excited to spend some time alone, or at least, I thought.

I was at the marketplace buying food for tonight. I had already seen that the meat seller wasn't present to I made a plan to go hunting for food later that day. I had just bought some potatoes and carrots, as well as some bread for breakfast tomorrow. I was looking at the arrowheads the weapon seller had brought. They weren't anywhere near the quality of my Crystal Arrows, but they were pretty nice. I was about to move on when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up and saw none other than Theodore Elias in front of me.

"Hey Lydia! Didn't think I'd see you here." Theo looked at the stall I was in front of before smiling at me again.

I sighed mentally and smiled back, so much for a day by myself. "Hey. Likewise."

Theo looked at the basket I was carrying. "What did you buy?"

I rolled my eyes mentally, "food. "was my simple reply.

"Nice... hey want to have dinner together? I'm sick of the food I get at the military base."

My spirits fell, I really wasn't excited to have dinner with my mark. Theodore seemed to notice before he added, "I'll cook."

I gave Theo a fake smile, I guess I have to stay nice. "Well if you're offering to cook, I can't really say no."

Theo's smile widened and his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Great!"

"I do have to go out to get meat though." Theo tilted his head in confusion as I continued, "the meat seller isn't here so I wanted to go hunting."

"Oooh, okay. I'll come with." Theo grabbed the basket from my hands and winked, "I'll carry this." I felt my cheeks heat up but shook it off.

"I can carry it just fine thank you."

"I'll carry it." Theodore confirmed as he started walking. He paused and turned around. "Uh... where to?"

I rolled my eyes before heading home with the Prince. Theo had never seen my house before and was complimenting it. I sighed mentally; I didn't care for stupid compliments. I grabbed my training bow and Theo and I headed out again to the forest besides Silvercliff.

"So, what are we looking for?" Theo asked.

I sighed, "Anything you didn't scare off just now."

Theo laughed sheepishly, "Oops, sorry."

After this he was quiet, thankfully. We searched the forest and I eventually decided to catch some sort of bird and have drumsticks tonight. After collecting a bird I shot down I told Theo we were heading back. I took the lead and Theo followed behind quietly.

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