Chapter 40, Galekin

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*Lydia's POV*

Waking up was difficult. My eyes were heavy, and my mind felt... fluffy. It took me a while to get used to the light that was shining through the windows. After what felt like forever, I managed to sit up and I looked around the room. I was in Theodore's room.

It took me a while to think. I felt slow. Maybe it was because of the blood I lost. Speaking of that... I checked my wounds, which looked much better to my surprise. I sighed; I need to get up.

It took a while before I was up and walking. Every step was a challenge. My mind and body weren't cooperating at all. As I entered the hallway I groaned. It was so long. I decided that taking a leap would be faster, which I immediately regretted. Since my body wasn't working properly, I leaped too far and fell down the stairs. I tumbled town all the way until I reached the throne room.

"Lydia what the hell?" I heard Theodore's voice, and then I felt his arms around me.

"Ow..." I groaned.

"What were you doing?" It was Sereen.

"I...uh..." Why is speaking so difficult? "Wanted to... get downstairs? And... uh... I decided... that... leaping would be... it would be... faster." I laughed sheepishly.

"What were you thinking Lydia?" Theodore was scolding me.

"I don't think she was thinking." I heard Lawrence speak.

Theodore picked me up and put me down in a chair, which, even in my dazed state, I quickly figured out to be the throne. "Uh... T-Theo is this... allowed?"

Theodore just shrugged. A bunch of people surrounded me. Sereen, Alex, Lawrence and the King. The King didn't seem fazed by me sitting on the throne either.

"W-what happened?"

"You fainted. Then we found out your wounds had opened up and you lost a lot of blood." Theodore scolded, looking very annoyed. "We treated you and because you refused to tell us about your physical state before, we decided to force you to rest."

I groaned, suddenly the fluffiness of my mind made sense. "You drugged me?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"You can blame yourself for it." Sereen grinned. I glared at her.

"Well... when does it wear off? I feel like shit." I sighed and scratched my head. I saw Lawrence and Alex give each other a concerned glance. Uh oh...

"Lydia we thought the drug would keep you knocked out for at least three more days." Lawrence slowly explained. "We're honestly not sure when it will fully wear off."

I groaned but Theodore interrupted me. "Which is great because it means you can rest more." I groaned louder.

"We'll have Ivo and Edith check in later. Maybe they'll know more since Edith can read you and Ivo created the drug." Alex told me to my relief.

My mind had a moment of clarity. As suddenly it was filled with questions. "W-what is gonna happen to the kingdom? Lillian and Steven? The village?" I blurted out.

"The kingdom will be fine we're discussing it. Steven has already been buried but we've kept Lillian above ground. We thought you might wanted to say goodbye. As for the village, they're back in Raebershire for now. It's not just the King that has to readjust, it's the entire kingdom. There has been a public declaration of what happened so the people know what's coming but we don't want to rush. We want to make sure everyone is safe. We're hoping on taking down the wall that separates us next week."

I nodded as Alex explained. I wasn't really listening, my mind had trouble keeping up with all the words but I knew from his tone that things would be ok. I relaxed and felt consciousness slipping again, and I wasn't really fighting it.

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