Chapter 27, Stars

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*Lydia's POV*

I sighed as I looked into the mirror. I had been trying so hard for the past year. I tried so hard to forget. And now he was here. He was on our side. And it confused me more than anything has ever done in my life. I knew I still loved him. That feeling had somehow never left. I tried everything to stop it, but as soon as I saw him, I knew I was still stuck. I knew I still loved him more than anyone else.

I was still very pissed off at Alex for pairing me with Theodore for this mission. I knew he was planning something, and I wasn't about to play his game.

I gulped as I took off the necklace Theodore gave me. I have tried to get rid of it so many times, but I can't. For the past year it was all I had of him. The necklace could calm all my demons. When I would wake up from a nightmare, holding the necklace would be the only thing that could calm me and get me back to sleep. I couldn't get rid of it, even if I wanted to. Tonight though, I couldn't wear it. It didn't fit the outfit I was wearing, so I took it off and carefully put it in my drawer. I was wearing a velvety black dress. It had a V-neck and the dress was flowy. I had my long, dark brown hair in a bun. I created a smoky eye look and was wearing red lip stick. I hate dressing up.

I put on my black high heels and made sure my small knife was well hidden along my thigh. I couldn't take my bow with me, so the knife was my only weapon.

I heard a knock on my door and told them to come in. It was Theodore. He was wearing a suit that fitted him perfectly and made him look everything a royal should look like. His sword, that held the royal emblem, was secured on his hips. His blonde hair was neatly combed, and his blue eyes were taking in my appearance.

"You look beautiful." He spoke and my heart skipped a beat. I ignored it.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I told him calmly.

Theodore hummed in response and got closer. I took a step back. "You know Lydia, if you stay on the other side of the continent we're not going to get anywhere tonight. We have a mission, let's focus on that."

I remained silent and looked at him. He wasn't the same boy I met back at military training. His eyes had matured, and he looked a lot more serious. He looked like a man, a prince. I nodded in agreement.

Theodore smiled, "Good, now to complete your look." He started and I frowned. He got out a small box he had been hiding behind his back and opened it.

I gasped as I saw the contents. Beautiful crystal blue earrings and a beautiful Crystal blue and golden necklace. The earrings also had golden accents in them. It would fit my outfit perfectly. I looked at Theo and frowned.

"I know you don't own any jewelry." Theo paused for a second, glancing at my neck, and I knew he was thinking whether or not he should mention the necklace I had just taken off. "So, I decided to provide you with some." He said as he got closer with the box.

"Where did you get these from?" I asked as he put the box on my desk.

"I am the prince of Elias." He stated as he grabbed the necklace and faced me, "And these belonged to my mother." He finished.

My eyes widened and I took a step back, "I can't accept those."

Theo smiled, "Of course you can. I'd rather have you wear them than them being stuck in a box forever."

"But they were the Queen's."

"So?" Theodore stepped behind me and put the necklace on me, I flinched slightly when the cold metal hit my neck. "Lydia I really don't mind."

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror with the necklace on, it looked absolutely beautiful. "See? It fits you perfectly." He said as he stood behind me, absorbing my appearance.

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