Chapter 12, Trust

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*Sereen's POV*

I sighed as I fell down on the nice and comfortable bed. "This is so much better than that sleeping bag."

Lydia smirked, "I told you this was a good idea."

I rolled my eyes. Lydia suggested to visit the Pony Inn for a night before heading back to Silvercliff. She had told us it was so she could relax, but I knew she wanted to discuss something with Ivo, the bomber.

Amber was in the bathroom taking a shower.

"So, what are you going to discuss with Ivo?" I asked Lia.

Lydia looked up from the mission journal she had been writing in. "I just wanted to know how he was doing. If there was any new information. Nothing regarding this mission." She said calmly.

I nodded, "Ok..." I looked at the ceiling, "We're halfway already..." I stated.

This time Lydia nodded, "Thank the goddess, I can't wait to stop pretending to be in military training and go back to doing normal missions."

I smiled softly, "Yeah... I wonder what we'll end up doing with Theodore though, he is quite different from his father."

Lydia sighed as she seemed to read something she had just written down, "We'll see."

We stopped talking when we heard Amber turn of the shower, when she eventually came out of the room, I had taken a shower and after that Lydia. Amber said she was going straight to bed. She was tired from the past week. Lydia was going to talk to Ivo when she was done in the shower and had told me she would keep an eye on Theodore tonight. I sighed and decided to head downstairs. I wasn't tired yet, but I also wasn't in the mood for professional Order talk. Lydia never lets loose.

It had been around 9PM when I walked into the bar area of the Inn. It was quite busy, and even though it was only early in the evening, most people already had plenty to drink. I made my way through the crowd not really knowing what to look for when I felt an arm around my shoulders. I looked to the side to find Chris. He had a lazy smirk on his face and was holding a beer with his free hand, "Hello beautiful."

Oh no.

"U-uh hey..." I awkwardly said as I tried to free myself from Chris' arm. He let loose but only to put his hand on my back and guide me to the bar. After he made sure I was comfortable in the uncomfortable barstool he sat down next to me. He ordered two shots and another beer for himself.

My eyes widened, "Chris we shouldn't be drinking on the job."

Chris' lazy smirk never faltered. "Already too late sweetheart. Besides, Lydia will keep an eye out for Theo tonight, we can let loose."

I widened my eyes for a second. Letting loose, that had been the very thing I was thinking about just a minute ago. I looked at Chris before frowning. "Is that what you do when you work in a team? You let others to the work?"

The barman gave us our drinks.

Chris rolled his eyes, "I am with that prince every night. I sleep in the same room as him, I think I deserve a night off." He said as he grabbed his new beer and took a long sip.

"How many have you had?"

"This will be my Seventh." Chris said before taking another sip.

"Chris it's 9PM."

"So?" Chris handed me the shot and gave me a wink, "Don't be a downer sweetheart." He said as he saw my frown.

I sighed and grabbed the small glass. I didn't know what to think of intoxicated Chris. He clearly wasn't drunk yet, but he was definitely a bit tipsy. I had never seen Chris intoxicated before, but the fact that he had used an endearing nickname three times in the four sentences he had spoken told me more than enough. His flirty behavior was ten times worse under the influence.

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