Chapter 2, The Promise

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*Lydia's POV*

To say that our training schedules were disappointing would be an understatement. For someone who trained seven days a week while also providing food for an entire village and doing various missions in between, finding out that we only train 3 days a weekt was quite disappointing. But to find out the other two days would be spent doing boring jobs like hunting, shopping, and guard duty was even worse. And then there were weeks where you had to help out at the guild fully. For example, every squadron has to take care of the farms one week a year. Are the people here so lazy they can't do multiple things at once? No wonder the military is bad in Elias.

After the disappointing day of looking at our schedules, listening to boring rules and the basics of training I was now lying in bed in the middle of the night. Since I trained to only need around five hours of sleep every night, I was wide awake. Both Amber and Sereen had been fast asleep as I just stared at the ceiling. I sighed, I really need to bring a book or something. After looking around the room once more I decided to get up.

I might as well go do something.

Sneaking out of the training grounds was easy. When I had guard duty, I would be sure to do a better job than these bozos. I left Silvercliff and walked through the dense forest that was located next to it.

Eventually, I reached a giant tree. The tree has been in the Kingdom for ages and is 299ft tall. It is believed that the tree was created by the goddess to look out over Silvercliff. The person living in the tree right now is definitely not a goddess though.

I stood by the tree, waiting, and when a black arrow hit the ground next to me, I knew the coast was clear. I jumped up the tall tree and landed on one of its branches at the top. My brown-haired friend was on the same branch and immediately engulfed me into a hug. "Hi Lia! I missed you so much!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

I rolled my eyes. My friend Anna has the gift of sight. She can see across great distances and can see in the dark. She uses a bow just like me but because of her gift, she is classified as a sniper. She has a special bow called the Obsidian bow. The material the bow is made of allows it to reach across great distances, while still possessing incredible strength and speed. It does however, take a lot of strength to draw the bow back.

"Hey Anna, I was bored and decided to visit." I told her.

Anna's green eyes lit up and she smiled. "I feel honored! It gets lonely up here."

I chuckled. "I'll try to visit more often then; I'm stuck in that dorm all night and I don't need a lot of sleep. I don't understand how Sereen can sleep from 11Pm till 6:30AM." I scratched my head.

Anna giggled. "Not everyone is a lethal killing machine Lia."

I rolled my eyes at her, ignoring her comment. Anna once again smiled and looked excited to ask her next question. "So, what is the prince like? From a distance he seems pretty hot."

I raised an eyebrow. "Anna, by screening the prince we don't mean fan girl over his body."

"It's just a professional observation." I chuckled.

"Sure Anna, well anyway he is sarcastic like me, which is easy enough. He is caring and honestly already seems too trusting. This mission will be easier than we thought."

Anna smiled. "That's great! The kids will finally be able to go outside." I smiled and looked up at the stars.

"Yeah, I bet they'll love seeing the stars like this."

"What is training like? You looked very bored and unimpressed today" Anna asked.

I groaned, "It's horrible! I finally understand why the military sucks so much."

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