Chapter 30, Emotions

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*Theodore's POV*

I groaned while stretching in my chair. My whole body hurt from Lydia's training session yesterday. It had been a month since she started training me, and every time my body hurt more and more. Right now, Lydia and I train four days a week. Two of those days we train all day and the other two we only train in the morning. It's difficult keeping up with all the paperwork while training so much, but I manage. I also don't mind training much; Lydia always wears that hot outfit of hers and she sometimes gives me massages afterwards. Those kinds of things make it worth it.

I got up from my chair and decided to leave the study and find something against the muscle aches. Basically, everyone in the Order know the basics of medicine so I can ask anyone. The first person I found was Lawrence, he was making his way towards the library it seemed and I decided to follow him. After I called for him, he stopped and waited for me to catch up.

"How are you doing Theodore?" he asked.

I gave him a pained smile, "My body hurts from training but for the rest I'm fine."

Lawrence laughed, "Lydia doesn't hold back, much does she?"

I shook my head. "No, it's brutal. But I manage."

Lawrence chuckled again before he looked at the hallway, "Shall we walk and talk?" he asked.

"Sure." I exclaimed as I followed him.

"I suppose since it's you she's training she is holding back." Lawrence spoke up.


Lawrence laughed, "Lydia has been glowing lately. It can only be because the two of you are doing... better."

I gulped at his choice of words. "Yeah we're doing good." I scratched my head.

"You don't have to hide it from me Theodore. I know the two of you are more than friends and I understand the reasons to keep it hidden."

I stopped and raised my eyebrows at him. Lawrence chuckled again. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

I cleared my throat, "Thanks..."

We walked in silence for a while before Lawrence spoke up again, "I'm happy for her." I glanced at Lawrence, "She's been alone for a long time. I always wished for her to find someone special." He smirked, "I can't say I ever expected you, but I'm happy the way it turned out."

I smiled, "I don't think anyone expected any of this."

"Well, as soon as I read the first couple of reports from Lydia, I did consider you joining the Order one day, but Lydia and you no one expected."

"You guessed I would join the Order?"

Lawrence looked at the library door which was now visible, "I usually think of many, many possibilities. It's part of the gift of intelligence, you see things faster than others. Think of possibilities before others."

I smiled at him, "That's pretty cool!"

Lawrence chuckled as he opened the library door, "Thank you."

Sereen and Chris were in the Library, reading a book. When they noticed us walk in they greeted us.

"How are you, Theo?" Sereen asked.

"Sore." I replied.

Sereen laughed, "I'm sorry about Lia. She can be a bit much."

I shook my head, "I'll survive. What are the two of you reading?" I looked at the book in front of them.

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