Chapter 36, Extraordinary

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Theodore's POV:

The doors of the prisons opened, and Alexander was thrown in. The prisons were dark. I'd never actually been there before in all my 23 years of living, until now that is. And who knew I'd visit as a prisoner?

Lydia was immediately by his side, asking if he was ok. Alexander looked horrible. His hair was a mess and his clothes were cut up and bloody.  Alexander looked at Lydia and smiled. "I've already healed Lydia. I'm ok."

Lydia checked his body for injuries, and he was indeed fine. "Lydia" Alexander grabbed Lydia's shoulders and looked at her. "I have hurt myself more than they could ever do. I'm fine." Lydia slowly nodded in response.

"Extraordinary" I heard my father whisper next to me.

My father and I had been thrown in a cell together, in the cell next to us were Lydia and Alexander. The cell next to them was filled with Lawrence and Sereen and the last cell was filled with Chris and Edith. It had been silent for most of the time. Alexander had been taken out right away, which was apparently for torture.

"Did they really think you'd give them any information?" Chris scoffed as he crossed his arms on his chest and looked at Alexander.

Lawrence frowned. "I don't think this was for information. I think this was to send a message that they won't hold back."

Sereen scoffed this time. "They'll have to try harder than that."

My eyes focused on Lydia again. She was still staring at Alexander, or at Alexander's clothes. I wonder if she's ok. I glanced over at Edith, who was giving Lydia an equally concerning look.

"Lawrence do we have a plan?" I asked.

He sighed and looked down at Lydia. "I'm not sure... I'm not surprised Steven was out for the throne, but Lillian's appearance is something none of us could have predicted." Lydia flinched at the mention of her sister.

I sighed. "Great..."

My father cleared his throat. "Son" he started, and I froze, "You seem to know more than you've been letting on?" his tone demanded an answer.

"Uh... you see... um..." I stumbled over my words.

"Your son has helped us by clearing your kingdom of corruption. We gave him evidence so he could professionally clean up the kingdom." Alexander explained as he stood up. I smiled at him gratefully.

"That doesn't explain why you've been involved with our greatest enemy." My father stated. I rolled my eyes and turned to face him.

"Have you ever considered..." I paused, realizing what I was about to do, "That... maybe the gifted are only our biggest enemy because we refuse to communicate with them?"

My father immediately showed rage in his eyes and I took a deep breath. "I found out about the gifted. They had a screening mission where I was the target."

"Which is wh-"

"HOWEVER," I cut him off, "I managed to negotiate with the assassins involved in the mission. They told me about their people, who are, in case you forgot, technically our people as well.  They told me they just want peace. They want to be able to live freely. They aren't a danger to us at all."

"And how would you know this?"

"Because I've seen their living conditions! There is an entire village father! A village underneath Raebershire. And the people who live there live in poverty and fear. Fearing that they will die the next day because of hunger or because they would be killed. None of the people there want to kill. They want to live, just like us."

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