Chapter 4, A Midnight Stroll

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*Lydia's POV*

I closed the door of the dorm room as silently as I could. I was once again awake in the middle of the night with nothing else to do, so I decided to sneak out again. I was planning on visiting Anna. I had my training bow with me just in case I wanted to do some hunting as well. I was starting to get sick of the same old target practice and wanted to do some real hunting. As I made my way through the woods though, I quickly realized I wasn't going to do much hunting, or talking to Anna for that matter.

I was being followed. And in the two weeks I've gotten to know my mark, I recognized the prince's footsteps following behind me. They were loud and sloppy, stepping on branches and making leaves scrunch. Even if hunting was still on the planning, Theodore had chased away any animal in our vicinity.

I stopped in a small clearing in the woods close to Anna's tree. "I can hear you following me." I spoke to my follower.

Theodore came out behind a tree. "Dammit. How did you know?" he spoke as he made his way over to me. Suspicion could be seen in his blue eyes.

"You were loud. You should watch your step more."

"I tried to be a silent as I could." Theodore muttered as he looked at the ground before looking back up at me with newfound determination. "Anyway... why are you out in the forest in the middle of the night?" he narrowed his eyes at me and I grinned.

"I'm taking a midnight stroll" I answered nonchalantly.

Theodore raised an eyebrow at me and tilted his head. "A midnight stroll? Isn't that dangerous? What if the higher ups find out you've been sneaking out?"

"I have my bow with me so I'll be fine," I showed Theodore my bow as evidence, "and the higher ups won't find out because I know how to sneak out without being noticed."

Theodore sighed, knowing he wouldn't win this battle. "Fine. But be careful. I'm heading back." Theodore turned and started walking back muttering something about how stupid it was to take a midnight stroll.

I looked up at the moon, which was now partially hidden behind Anna's tree. I wasn't going to do any hunting now; every animal must have left this area. Visiting Anna is too risky as well. I sighed. "Hey Theo, wait up I'll walk with you." I said as I walked up to him.

Theodore turned around and smiled at me. He waited for me but as I got closer, I noticed someone creeping up on the prince.

"Theo duck!" I yelled as I got my bow out and swiftly shot the man creeping up to my mark in his heart.

Theodore looked confused but ducked away as he looked at the arrow in shock. He jumped and tried to scoot back when he saw a body dropping next to him. Theodore's eyes widened and he quickly drew his sword.

"Good eye missy" a middle-aged man stepped out of the bushes. His clothes were ragged and torn as he held a knife in his hands.

"Bandits?" Theo asked but it came out more of a statement.

I nodded as I stood next to Theodore.

"We're in luck tonight. Prince Theodore... that's you right." Another bandit came out from the bushes. This one looked a lot younger than the first one but was just as ugly and poorly dressed. Theodore narrowed his eyes at the bandit.

Theo clenched his jaw. "Oh yes it's him all right. We're gonna be rich." Another bandit came out with two more behind him.

"Two million kins." A female bandit stepped from the bushes. I internally grinned but didn't show it on my face. Only two million on the black market? The bounty on my head is five million kins. HAH! I'm worth more than the Prince!

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