Chapter 19, The Castle

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*Lydia's POV*

"There it is." Theodore said as we reached the Castle town. I looked at the massive towers and structure. The castle, we're here.

Sereen paused next to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Who knew we'd ever visit the castle as tourists." She mumbled softly so only I could hear her.

I nodded and continued walking. The morning after the scavenger hunt, we were allowed to head home or in our case, the castle. Nothing had really happened after the scavenger hunt. Sereen had been mostly herself, and Theo had thankfully calmed down and stopped worrying about me every second of the day.

We were greeted by some of Theo's guards and after a check through our luggage we were allowed to enter. Theo showed us around the castle. He told us we would sleep in the same hall of the library, where guests usually sleep. Theodore's room was further away, on the top floor. It was absolutely beautiful, his room had a giant window that looked out over the castle town, he also had a small balcony, which he wouldn't let me go on after the lighthouse incident.

His room itself was impressive as well, it was lavishly furnished and besides the king-sized bed, he had a small seating area with a very comfortable looking couch and there were some bookcases too. There was also a small desk and a massive closet for the prince, though his real study was somewhere else in the castle, Theodore showed us that room later.

When we got a tour of the castle, I noticed how many people absolutely love the prince. Whenever he would enter a room, he would be greeted by his servants and he would always make a little chat. His servants were all excited that the Prince was home for the week and became even more excited when they found out he had brought 'friends' over. Theodore was a slightly different when he was in the castle, he was more uptight and serious. His relaxed persona was gone, and I knew it must have been because of the pressure he was under in the castle. He was after all, the next king.

Theodore had told us that we probably wouldn't see his father this week, since he was on a business trip. I was grateful for that, I wasn't sure if I could handle being near the King as well as I could being near the Prince, and recently being near the Prince hasn't been easy either.

After our tour Theodore took us for dinner, the dining hall was massive, and the food was the best I had ever tasted in my life. Theodore discussed something with his head teacher while we ate. Apparently, Theo would have to keep up with paperwork even if we were all here at the castle. After dinner we all went to our rooms to relax, Theodore was in his study doing paperwork. After writing my daily report, I decided that I was bored of the room I was staying in and left to explore.

I met with Chris in the hallway, or well, a mouse version of Chris. He was probably getting familiar with the castle and finding secrets. I told him to be careful of mouse traps before we went separate ways, to which he had squeaked angrily at me.

I made a round of the library; Theo once told me there was a secret hallway there. After searching for a while, I found it, a hidden switch behind a bookcase. Satisfied with my findings, I left. On my way back to my room I involuntarily stopped in front of Theo's study. I wonder if he's still busy.

I gave the door a soft knock, and after a few seconds I heard a prompt 'come in.' I opened the door and saw the Prince sitting in his chair, looking at some papers in front of him. "Yes?" he asked, he clearly hadn't realized it was me. I observed him for a while. He was deeply concentrated on the papers. He had a pen in his left hand and had his right hand in his disheveled hair. He was wearing a simple long-sleeved shirt, but he still looked royal nonetheless.

Eventually, Theodore frowned and then looked up, probably wondering why the person who entered his room hadn't said anything. "Lydia?"

I was shot from my trance and smiled, "Took you long enough."

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