Chapter 38, The New Plan

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*Theodore's POV*

"You wish to date my daughter, Lydia?"

I gulped, still frozen in place. I am so dead. "U-uh y-yes sir?"

Alexander narrowed his eyes at me, and I felt as if I could faint any second. He then relaxed and let out a breath, "Well, as long as you take good care of her."

I blinked, "What?"

Alexander laughed at my confusion, "Don't worry about it, son," my eyes widened slightly at the endearment. That was the first time he used it, "I've been watching Lydia for a long time now. She's stubborn and when it comes to love she used to push it away as far as possible. Ever since you came into her life that has changed, and I couldn't be happier about it."

I was shocked at his words, still frozen in place I watched him with wide eyes as he sat down in his chair.

"I've always wished she'd find happiness someday. I was afraid her involvement in the Order would prevent her from finding it. I'm glad I gave her that mission almost two years ago." Alexander explained.

I smiled, "Thank you. I'll take good care of her."

Alexander raised an eyebrow at me, "You better, if you break her heart, I will break both of your legs."

I cringed, "Y-yes sir!"

My father sighed, "You do know what you're getting into right? What dating her means for the kingdom?"

I looked at him, "I do. I know exactly what I'm getting myself into."

My father cringed, "You're the future king of Elias, if this relationship holds up she-"

"Lydia will become queen." I finished his sentence, he nodded, "I am aware father."

I saw Alexander watch us with great curiosity, amusement was seen in his eyes. He then cleared his throat. "Since we are talking about certain relationships between the Gifted and Non-gifted, I have quite the conundrum." He started. My father looked at him. "After this all is over, I assume you will take back the throne. Doing anything else will cause chaos in the kingdom. For us gifted, we have two choices: we either stay here or go back to the destroyed Raebershire. Either way you will know our exact location."

I gulped; I hadn't even thought about that.

"What will you do your majesty? Consider your decision well. I am not someone to let my people die, and I can go on fighting until you die, and your son takes over for new negotiations." Alexander finished, his eyes a little bit darker than before as he made his threat.

My father looked at him, but I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. He then closed them and opened them while looking at me. "You have been with these people. What is your opinion?"

My eyes widened. This is the first time he has asked me for a serious opinion regarding the kingdom. I nodded, "Set them free. Freedom and protecting the kingdom from corruption has been their only objective. I believe that 90% of the gifted are completely harmless. And the 10% in the Order can be negotiated with, I believe some would even be willing to help the kingdom. Their strategic abilities could help our kingdom." I explained.

My father nodded, "I don't agree with you. I won't set them free." I saw Alexander frown and I was about to complain when he continued, "But, I am no longer king. My kingdom was overthrown." He paused, "If we get the throne back, I believe someone else should sit on it. Someone with a kind heart and the determination to do what is best for the kingdom."

My father walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Son, it's time you take my place."

I watched him wide eyed as he smiled at me. I gulped, and then kneeled in front of him, "I would be honored."

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