Chapter 14, Feelings

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*Theodore's POV*

I managed to recover quickly from my concussion. Lydia had woken me a couple times the first night to make sure there was nothing else wrong with my brain. The next morning, she had brought me breakfast in bed, and she checked my wound again. I had been very embarrassed. I was only wearing my boxers. Lydia didn't seem to notice, and she didn't seem to mind me being shirtless. After she had checked my wound and I had finished breakfast she told me to rest more, much to my dismay.

I had asked if I could come downstairs and lay on the couch again, but Lydia had told me it would be better if I stayed in bed. I ended up laying in bed all day, bored out of my mind. Lydia would come up every once in a while, to make sure I was still alive. Usually she brought me something like medicine of food.

When the week began, Roland had been very concerned. He was afraid the news of my health would reach my father, and that he'd be angry for not looking out for me. Jokes on them, my father is too busy to worry about me.

Roland didn't allow me to do anything that week. I was to lay in bed all day and rest. I felt fine really, but no one wanted to take any risks. Lydia kept sneaking in medicine for me, and she checked my wound even though I now had an official nurse to check my health. I preferred Lydia over the nurse though. I found it really adorable that she looked out for me, as if she blamed herself for my injury. After a week I told Roland I was fine and I wanted to start doing things again before I fell behind. He allowed me to sit outside and watch the others of my squad train. He wouldn't allow me to pick up a weapon for another week.

Thursday evening, Lydia and I had been scheduled for night watch. Roland had told me I wasn't allowed to go, but I told him I was absolutely fine and that Lydia was with me, and after using an official command, he allowed me to join night watch if I sat down all night and didn't force myself.

I sighed, sitting on the chair really didn't do anything. I could barely see out of the tower because of the walls. What use is being here if I can't even help? Lydia sat on the wall, looking out of the tower, and since I couldn't see out of the tower, the only thing I ended up watching was Lydia. She was calm and collected as always, concentrated on whatever was happening outside.

A breeze swept through the tower and I shivered, which caught Lydia's attention. "You ok? Want me to grab you a blanket?"

I shook my head carefully, trying not to give myself a headache. "I'm fine." Lydia nodded in response and looked back out of the tower.

I sighed and stood up, so I could see what was going on outside, Lydia immediately put a hand on my shoulder and forced me back down in the chair, "You're not allowed to get up."

I sighed, "Lydia what use am I if I can't see anything but wall? I'll sit up on the wall like you are."

Lydia shook her head, "No. If you lose balance you might fall out."

I chuckled, "Lydia since when are you all concerned about me and the rules?"

Lydia froze, and she seemed deep in thought for a second, as if she was thinking of an answer before saying, "I don't want to be the one charged with your death." Was her response.

"You won't be. If I die it will be because of my own stupidity." I told her. Lydia gulped and then nodded, before taking her hands off my shoulder so I could stand. She kept her eyes on me as I stood up, making sure I wouldn't lose balance or something. I gave her a smile telling her I was ok and leaned against the wall. "This ok?" I asked referring to my position.

Lydia nodded, "I suppose. Sit down if you become dizzy or get a headache." She told me. I nodded.

We both looked outside in silence, there wasn't much going on, as usual. "You know, I would have been fine by myself." Lydia spoke up, "Nothing ever happens around here."

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