Chapter 20, Confession

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*Sereen's POV*

I always wished for Lydia's happiness. Ever since she lost her family, I had sworn to myself to stay by her side. But even I knew that friendship can only go so far. Friendship and human connection are necessary in life. It is what helps you overcome all those tall mountains, but nothing can come close to a real connection. Nothing can come close to love.

The person you fall in love with and end up spending your life with will always be someone you treasure. Someone who is with you through the most difficult times and someone who loves you for everything you are. You can have the greatest friendships in the world and still long for a connection like that. I knew I did. The way I looked at Chris was different than the way I looked at Lydia and Anna. I treasured all three, but I knew there was something different about Chris.

Lydia had never believed in love. Her sister had told her many times how it's a weakness and Lydia never let go of that idea. She always told us she didn't need love, but I knew that deep inside, she too, longed for it. Lydia longed for human connections just as much as we did, even if she didn't realize or show it.

Maybe the biggest way I can prove that is this moment right now. Lydia in my arms crying, apologizing, telling me it wasn't her intention, that she tried to stop it, that she didn't want to mess up. She was scared, vulnerable and confused. I tightened the hug, "Shhh... it's gonna be alright. We'll figure it out." I reassured her. She only started crying harder.

I always wished for Lydia's happiness, I wished she would find a partner that would treasure her, would love her with all they could. Now that I thought really hard about it, Theodore was probably such a person. He would treasure Lydia; he would love her with his entire body and heart. But that was because he didn't know the truth. If he knew of Lydia's true identity everything would be different. And Lydia was painfully aware of this fact.

She loved Theo, and she knew Theo could never fully love her in return.

I let out a breath, Lydia had calmed down slightly. I just hugged her until she was ready to let go, like any good friend would. I didn't say anything yet, I knew she wasn't ready for it, so I would wait patiently until she was.

She eventually broke away again and with a shaky sigh, she apologized once more. "You really don't have to apologize Lydia. It's okay."

She shook her head, "Of course it's not okay. He's the mark, the Prince! What am I even thinking?"

I smiled, "You're not thinking. Love is different Lydia. Once you're in, you can't stop it. You shouldn't blame yourself. It probably wasn't something you could have stopped to begin with. I know I have tried to stop falling in love with Chris. And we both know Chris has been crushing on me for like eight years now. He probably couldn't stop it either. So, it's okay. It will hurt, but it isn't your fault." I softly explained to her.

"I feel so weak." She muttered.

I nodded, "Love can make you feel that way yes. Whenever I'm around Chris I suddenly lose all form of common sense. It makes me feel weak too. It's okay to feel like that." I let out the part where it also made me feel strong. I didn't think she was ready for those words.

"What do I do Sereen?" she looked up at me desperately. "What am I supposed to do now?"

I let out a breath, "I don't know... Let's be real about this... we both know Theodore will pass the screening process. The guy wouldn't hurt a fly. So... uh... I don't know Lydia we'll figure it out."

Lydia looked at me with watery eyes, "Alex will kill me..."

"No he won't! Alexander sees you as his daughter, he won't kill you. He'll understand, just like me. Just like everyone else we know. They'll understand. I'm not mad, no one will be." I told her.

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