Chapter 15, Pathetic

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*Lydia's POV*

I looked at the poster on the wall. In bold letters it said 'The Yearly Expedition' and underneath that it said 'Whitecliff' with a couple more details. I knew this event was coming closer. They often held it in April, when the temperatures would get better. After the expedition there would also be a holiday in the first week of May. I let out a breath. Next week huh? I wonder what we'll be doing.

I had been to Whitecliff many times before for missions, but never for sightseeing. I knew we would probably visit the military grounds there, but the rest of the trip was still a mystery. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Sereen standing next to me.

"Are you excited?" she asked mockingly.

I scoffed, "Sure. A week of sightseeing with the gang. What could be more fun?"

Sereen chuckled. I then felt a larger presence behind us and knew it was Theodore. He stood alarmingly close to me, so that my back grazed his chest and I frowned at the gesture. Theodore usually kept a nice distance from me, it was his professional way of dealing with people. Sereen glanced at us and then looked at me with confusion, I returned her confused face with my own before turning around and creating distance. "Theodore." I said calmly.

Theodore nodded and kept looking at the poster. "Thank the goddess we're going to Whitecliff. Two years ago, they came to the castle town. How boring would that be? Going to my own home."

Sereen looked at Theodore with just as much suspicion as I did before smiling. "I would love to see the castle."

Theodore looked at Sereen for a second before stating, "Well, you're allowed to visit any time. Want to come with during the holiday?" Sereen and I gave each other bewildered glances before Chris and Amber joined us.

"What are you guys talking about?" Chris asked as he stood next to Sereen.

Amber checked the poster and her eyes lit up, "The yearly expedition!" she exclaimed.

Theodore nodded, "I was asking if you guys would like to come visit the castle during the holiday."

Chris froze in place and glanced at me and then down at Sereen. Amber looked at the prince in awe, "Really? We're allowed to visit the castle?"

"Sure, I'll show you guys around. If you guys don't come, I'll be stuck with paperwork the whole week, so It would be much more fun to hang out with you guys instead." He explained.

Sereen and Chris both gave me wary glances. I was the leader of this mission, so I knew I had to make the decision whether or not we would go. I thought about it. It would be a great opportunity to scout out the castle, to find secrets hidden there even.

"Lydia?" I blinked and shot from my trance.


"Would you like to come?" Theo asked, his voice deep and husky, but I could hear a faint worry in his voice.

I glanced at Sereen and Chris before making eye contact with Theo. "How could I refuse such an offer Prince Charming? That sounds like fun." I said.

Sereen then smiled, "Yeah sure I'll come!"

Chris nodded too.

"Great," Theodore said, "We'll finally have some free time we can spend together. The only other time we've had that was at the Pony Inn and..." he paused when he saw Sereen step away from Chris in embarrassment. "That was an interesting night." He finished.

Sereen smiled before saying, "Yeah... well Lydia, I promised you I'd show you that thing. Let's go." She said as she grabbed my arm. I nodded, playing along and we left the group quickly. As soon as we reached our room Sereen turned around and looked at me in confusion. "What is wrong with him?" she asked.

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