Chapter 1, A New Mission

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*Lydia's POV*

I groaned and hid my head underneath my pillow as I heard a knock on my door.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" my friend sang from the other side of the door.

I grunted and lifted my pillow and head a little so I could speak. "Come back in five and maybe then I'll answer."

The door slammed open. "LYDIA MARTIN GET OUT OF BED!"

I just sighed as I looked up. Two angry grey eyes looked at me. Her long blonde hair cuddled her body and she was wearing a travel outfit, A brown jacket and some black pants.

"Morning Sereen" I said with a yawn.

Sereen rolled her eyes. "I thought you only needed five hours of sleep?" she questioned.

I sighed. "I didn't get that long because I had to break someone out of prison."

Sereen sighed as well. "Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday, ok? But you made me jump out of a tower, and I didn't get much sleep either," Sereen started playing with her blonde hair. "Do you know how much work it takes to correctly take that wig off?"

"If you didn't get caught so often you wouldn't need a wig." I stated.

Sereen grunted. "Not everyone can leap into the sky whenever they are cornered, Lia."

In our kingdom, there is a certain group of people who possess a special ability. We call them gifts, and the people that own them the gifted. I am one of the Gifted. I possess the ability of leaping. I can jump high in the sky. It's almost as if I can fly, almost. Gravity still affects me.

I smiled at my friend. "Give me ten minutes and I'll be ready to travel." Sereen sighed but nodded and left my room.


After ten minutes I was indeed ready to go and joined Sereen outside the Order. She waved at me as she saw me. "Finally, you took forever." She said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes. "Usually it's you I have to wait for, now you know how what it feels like."

Sereen seemed upset but before she could say anything, I told her we needed to leave so we would arrive before sunset. After mumbling something about it being my fault that we left this late, she started walking.

"So, are you ready for this one? It's the biggest mission we've ever gotten." Sereen asked and I could hear by the tone of her voice that she was nervous.

I grinned. "I've been wanting this since the day I was born."

Sereen smiled. "I hope that in a year, we will finally have freedom."

I smiled back. The gifted and non-gifted used to live together just fine. Alexander, the leader of the Order of Galekin and who possesses the gift of immortality, even used to be the advisor of the King back in the day. But one day, the Elias family took the throne. They spread fear through the Kingdom of Galekin, telling the Non-Gifted that the Gifted would use their powers to rule over them. Since then we've been hunted down and killed. One by one the gifted started falling by the new King's hands. For generations we've had to suffer. Alex managed to save some Gifted people and 300 years later, there is still a hidden village underneath the biggest mountain in the kingdom. There, the survivors now live in hiding. I was born in this village.

Alex created the Order of Galekin, a guild that would fight for the freedom of Gifted people, as well as to fight against the corruption in the kingdom. Lately, more and more gifted have joined. I am one of these people, together with my best friend Sereen. We are some of the best, if not the best assassins in the order.

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