Chapter 16, The Expedition

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*Lydia's POV*

The week passed quickly, and it was finally time for the yearly expedition. We spent the whole day travelling. There was a big group, around 90 people went on the expedition, and not everyone could keep up with the travelling speed.

After we arrived at the Inn it had been dark, and we went to sleep immediately. It was now Tuesday, and the first official day of the expedition. During the first day we'd do some sightseeing, Wednesday and Thursday would be spend at the Whitecliff Military Training fields and Friday would be another day of 'fun.' Saturday would be the day we packed up again and returned home, or the castle in our case.

Alex had given us strict orders to watch our backs at the castle. He agreed that it was a good opportunity to scout out, he wanted to create more accurate blueprints of the castle, the ones we had now were from Alex' memory, but they were before the great fire that happened around 300 years ago so no one really knows how much has changed. Lillian had been the last person to really go to the castle. She was supposed to screen the queen there but ended up poisoning and killing her.

"Lydia look here!" I was snapped form my thoughts when I heard Sereen's voice. We were currently at the massive Whitecliff harbor, home to the large Elias navy. It was impressive.

I walked up to Sereen and saw her pointing to the massive ship. It was the Marvelous Star Ship, the biggest and most important ship in the navy. "Damn..." I muttered.

We didn't often mess with the navy; it was the biggest and strongest force of Elias. When we did, we often made it look like a pirate attack, the navy wasn't something we wanted to deal with.

"I don't think a massive kraken could take that thing down." Amber, who was standing next to Sereen the entire time, mumbled and I couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Theodore and Chris caught up with us and Chris looked at the ship in awe.

I nudged Theodore, which caught his attention, "Have you ever been on it?" I asked.

Theodore chuckled, "Once, when I was younger." He spoke calmly.

"It's awesome!" Sereen exclaimed enthusiastically.

We heard Roland's voice booming over the crowd. He was telling us to regroup since we were visiting the marketplace and cathedral next, followed by Whitmore Library and the University of Whitecliff.

Once we arrived at the marketplace Roland told us we could roam freely for the next three hours. He also told us to make sure to visit the cathedral before he left us to our own devices. Amber had immediately forced Sereen and I with her to go shopping. Chris and Theodore had reluctantly followed. We were supposed to stay close together in our squads, which meant Theo and Chris had to join our shopping spree.

After thirty minutes of looking at clothes stands, I got sick of shopping. There were some weapon sellers too, but I quickly saw all they had to offer.

I was currently standing in front of a jewelry seller. Sereen was with Amber, Theodore and Chris at the stand next to us looking at scarfs. There were some pretty necklaces and bracelets. I never wore jewelry, it was unnecessary for me, but I was observing the pretty stones, nonetheless.

I looked at the beautiful crystal blue necklace, it matched my eyes and Crystal Bow perfectly. I jumped when I felt a hand on my hip, and it didn't take me long to figure out who the owner of this hand was. "Do you like jewelry?" Theodore asked.

I gulped and glanced down at Theodore's hand, which was stuck on my hip and made no sign of moving. Just play along Lydia! I shook my head, "Not really. I've never owned any and I honestly think they're unnecessary."

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