Chapter 26, Breaking Walls

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*Theodore's POV*

"I really like going out at night for midnight strolls. The stars are usually very pretty," Lydia started her story, only to be interrupted by the kids asking what stars were like. "Listen guys, if you start interrupting me, I'm not finishing the story." There was an immediate silence.

"I was out with... a partner."

"Are you two lovers?"

"No! and I told you not to interrupt." Lydia responded to the child. I held back a chuckle.

"We were on our way back to Silvercliff, where our current mission was, when we were suddenly attacked by bandits. They started charging at us, and I shot two of them. My partner was fighting bandits too. We didn't know where they were coming from, but we weren't about to back down."

My eyes widened; I knew this story. This was at the beginning of military training. When I caught Lydia sneaking out and followed her.

"After a while, it was four against the two of us. They were getting tired, but we weren't! We continued fighting when we received back-up. Our back-up was a sniper, who shot one of the bandits."

I frowned; I didn't know we had backup that night.

"since we were now covered, I told my partner that we would run back to Silvercliff. We ran through the forest, away from the bandits. A female bandit was still following us, so I told my partner to continue. When they left, I faced the bandit. We fought for a short time, but I got tired of her quickly. I jumped up into a tree with my leaping ability, and the bandit looked at me with wide eyes."

"That was the moment she knew who she was up against. "You are the Flying Archer?" she yelled at me and I grinned. I nodded at her before shooting her as well. I then took a leap to get back to my partner, who I protected from another bandit. My partner was ok, and when we made sure no one else was around, we made our way back to Silvercliff."

I was still frozen against the wall. I never knew Lydia had used her gift that night, or that we had back-up. Speaking of that back-up, a sniper in the forest with the big tree, it must have been Anna who helped us that night.

"Wow that sounds really exciting!"

"Can you tell us another story?"

Lydia chuckled, "Sorry kids, I have to head back, I have a mission this evening."

"Really, what kind of mission?"

"Classified." Was her short response, but her words were gentle.

"Aww! Can you tell us the story when you get back?"

Lydia laughed, "We'll see. Now, hurry along, I bet your parents are waiting for you guys."

The kids all said their goodbyes and soon it was silent at the square. I knew Lydia was waiting for me. I knew she had sensed me the entire time I had been there. I sighed and got out from behind the wall, "That was an interesting story. I feel like I've heard it before though." I told her.

Lydia stood with her back to me, she didn't say anything. She then started walking away from me. "You know, we're on the same side." I told her as I followed her.

"Leave me alone." her words were cold and distant.

"Is that how you greet me after all this time?"

I heard Lydia scoff and continue. I followed her, making some comments along the way to which Lydia didn't respond when we reached the Order itself Lydia turned around and faced me. Her eyes were colds, but I could see that she was hiding her true emotions. "Leave me alone Theodore." she said again.

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