Chapter 5, Raebershire

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*Lydia's POV*

"Hey Theo, what are you gonna do during your week off?" I asked the prince. I was on my way towards Sereen and found the prince in the hallway.

"I'm going home, to the castle. I have to do some paperwork and training. It won't be much of a holiday for me." I nodded. I was glad that our target would stay in the same space this week so we wouldn't have to keep an eye out for him.

"You should prepare for our cook-off. Or did you already forget about that?" I said while grinning. It had been two months since I challenged Theodore to a cook-off.

"I don't need training to beat you at cooking. Maybe you should spend your holiday preparing?" Theodore crossed his arms and looked at me with a smirk.

I scoffed. "As if."

Theo chuckled. "What will you be doing this week?" he asked as he tilted his head in curiosity.

"I'm going hunting with Sereen." We continued walking down the hallway and down the stairs. "She's waiting outside." I explained.

"That sounds exciting. Much better than paperwork." Theo muttered the last part in annoyance.

"Yeah I almost feel bad for you Theodore. Almost." Theodore looked at me with the same annoyed look he has been holding and I grinned. We stepped outside and I smiled as I felt the cold wind brush against my skin. The season had officially changed to fall, and the trees were starting to lose their leaves. It was a cold and cloudy day today. I didn't mind that though. I preferred the cold over heat. Just like I preferred night over day.

Sereen was waiting for me at the front gate of the military grounds. She smiled as she saw me. I turned to Theodore, "Well have fun this week Theo."

Theodore smiled as he made eye contact. "Thanks, you too."

I smiled and waved as I ran towards Sereen. She raised her eyebrow when I reached her. "What were the two of you talking about?"

I grinned. "I asked him what he was gonna be doing this week. He'll be at the castle so we don't have to monitor his location too much."

Sereen nodded. "Great. Let's go then. Did he ask you anything?"

"Yeah what we'll be doing. So, I told him we're going hunting."

Sereen laughed. "Yeah... for humans."

I raised my arms. "Hey I didn't lie to him."

We exited the city in silence and walked through the now orange and red colored forest. Sereen started blabbering about random things which started to get annoying quick.

I sighed and interrupted her talking about her hair. "When will Anna join us?"

"Heeeey... what does that mean?" Sereen asked.

I grinned. "Nothing." I said in an innocent voice.

Sereen scoffed. "She'll be joining us in Raebershire so the joke is on you."

I smirked. "Oh... well then I'll meet you at Raebershire as well." I said, securing my bag before I planned to leap.

"NO LYDIA YOU'RE NOT DITCHING ME HERE!" Sereen tried to grab my arms but I dodged laughing and then made my way into a tree where she couldn't reach me. I quickly scanned the area to see if anyone was close before I gave Sereen a salute. She was still yelling multiple profanities at me.

"Bye Sereen." I said and before I heard her respond I was up in the air. I leaped through the clouds and sighed as I felt the warm sun on my skin. This gift really is the best one. As much as I enjoy the cold and night, being up here and feeling the sun on my skin is the best feeling. Alone, with nothing to worry about. No Order, no prince, just me and my own thoughts.

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