Chapter 22, Running From Your Heart

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*Theodore's POV*

There was too much on my mind to sleep. What happened at the castle. What happened between Lydia and I...  She has been trying to act normal, but I know she's keeping a distance from me on purpose. I sighed and looked outside. The waxing moon was high up in the sky. Tomorrow, we would go back to training at the guild. And this time around, I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew I shouldn't have confessed to her. Sereen had given me a clear warning and I did it anyway. I am just scared things will never be the same again.

Why is it so difficult?

Maybe she didn't feel the same way at all. But then why did she kiss me? Maybe she had a bad background with relationships? Or maybe she just wasn't ready for one?


I gave up on trying to sleep and got out of bed. Maybe I just need a glass of water instead. I was currently staying at Lydia's house. Even through all the awkwardness I somehow managed to convince her to let me stay at her house. I tip-toed out of my room, knowing that Lydia is more than just a light sleeper. Making sure I didn't trip over anything, I managed to reach the stairs. I froze when I heard a loud thud.

What was that?

I carefully looked down into the kitchen only to see Lydia standing on one leg holding her foot with her hands.

Did she just stub her toe?

I frowned and held back a laugh. I saw Lydia recover and she carefully opened the front door and closed it behind her. She snuck out without making a single sound.

Wait a minute... why would she sneak out of her own house?

I walked downstairs and looked outside. Lydia was nowhere to be seen. Weird. Now that I really thought about it. Lydia often sneaks out. Weird midnight strolls and stuff. She also sleeps very little. I have often seen her read a book or write at night. For example, during our survival assignment. I wasn't able to sleep well that week and I noticed Lydia being up every night. She'd always stay up for a couple of hours before trying to fall back asleep. Very weird

As if on instinct, I started searching the house. I looked inside cupboards, looked underneath and behind furniture, and even went up into the bedrooms to check under the matrasses. Nothing.

Maybe I was just stressing out too much because of everything that happened. I sat down on Lydia's bed. Why would Lydia be doing anything wrong anyway? Maybe she just suffers from insomnia and that's why she's always up? She wouldn't hide anything from me... right? I sighed. Suddenly I felt terrible about what I had done. I searched her entire house. I decided to go back to bed before Lydia came home but as I stood up, I saw something glistering underneath the floorboards.

So you are hiding something from me?

I sat down on the floor and lifted the floorboard. As soon as I saw what it was underneath though I dropped the floorboard immediately.

No... it can't be.

I carefully lifted the floorboard again. There it was, and I wished I hadn't seen it. I wished I would have gone back to bed without seeing it.

Why? Why does she have this?

I wish I could forget seeing it. I didn't want Lydia to have this. I didn't want the person I love to have this. I sighed.

The one thing the entire kingdom has been looking for. The thing we have been trying to catch. It was the weapon that killed so many people. It was a bow.

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