Chapter 3, Interesting Opinions

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*Lydia's POV*

I sighed. "I can't believe we're actually doing this." I stepped over a branch as I looked around the forest.

Theodore stopped in front of me and turned around raising an eyebrow at me. "What do you mean? The higher ups ordered us to get food. We can't just not do that."

I rolled my eyes. "As if they'll starve if we come home with nothing."

Sereen turned around as well. "Lydia stop complaining. Hunting is part of military training and we can't come home empty handed."

I sighed again. "This is ridiculous."

Theodore looked at me with a blank face. "If you don't want to do this kind of stuff then why did you join the military training. Doing things like hunting and keeping watch are an important part of the training as well as the jobs you might get sent out for."

I looked the prince in the eyes. Well Theo I'm actually here on a top-secret mission to befriend you, get into your castle and take the throne. "We're just doing the dirty work you know that right? The higher ups should be doing these kinds of things while we work on ways to protect the kingdom. This is a waste of time." I explained. I then frowned at the prince, "I'm surprised you out up with this. I bet you just sit on your lazy ass all day back at the castle."

Theodore clenched his jaw, I clearly hit a nerve. I bit back a smile as I saw him sigh, "I have people who do things for me back at the castle yes, but right now I'm here at military training, which means I have to do things like this. Sometimes you have to do things in life you don't really want to do." Theodore shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, "You don't have to tell me twice."

"Oh, Lydia stop complaining and use that bow of yours. You're scaring away any animals we could have been eating tonight." Sereen complained.

I sighed and looked at the ground for a second. Then I started walking away from the group, ignoring the annoyed calls Theodore was giving me. I heard everyone following me, but it didn't take long before I lost them as I made my way through the woods with much more ease than the prince who is used to his castle.

I eventually found the animal I was tracking. It was a pretty big bear, much bigger than I was. I readied my bow. The bear hadn't noticed me yet, and with an animal this big I had to make it a clean shot. I focused and as I heard the others get closer, probably because Chris and Sereen have finally been able to track me, I let go of my arrow and it pierced the bear before it had the chance to run away. It was a clean shot, like always, but the bear didn't go down immediately. It ran away, but I know it couldn't have gotten far.

I decided to let the group catch up to me. "Lydia what the hell don't run off like that." Theodore said as he saw me.

Sereen giggled, already knowing what was going on from my stance. "So, what did you catch?"

Theodore looked confused but I started walking towards where I shot the bear. There, I checked its footprints and started following them. Amber walked up beside me. "I-it looks like a b-bear!" The confusion and shock clear on her face.

I simply nodded as I followed the trail. Amber was beside me and actually showed some skill in tracking. She did say she used to hunt with her father, I guess.

"A bear? We can't eat a bear!" Theodore said shocked as he followed us.

"Yes, you can you just need to be careful with it. Clean and skin it properly and check for parasites and stuff." I explained.

Theodore looked over at Sereen and Chris as if he was trying to get them on his side of the argument. Sereen just gave him a sweet smile. "It's true Theo. It actually tastes pretty good too. It's similar to venison but it's a bit sweeter."

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