Chapter 37, Three Words

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Lydia's POV:

It wasn't difficult getting our weapons. We reached the armory without any encounters and we beat the guards by the doors of the armory with ease. Our weapons were indeed inside. I opened the window while Chris grabbed as many weapons as he could carry. He was holding his axe, Alex' claymore, the King's sword and Edith's mace while I grabbed my bow, Theodore's sword and Sereen's knife. We were out of the window before anyone noticed.

It took me a couple of painful leaps to reach the base. My body was aching at this point and my vision was a little blurry, not that I'd let anyone know. We entered the base. As Chris and I made our way towards Alex' room, I could sense eyes on us and people started whispering. I obviously looked like crap, my clothes bloody and my body covered in bandages. I blocked most of the whispers out, which wasn't hard, I had to concentrate on not fainting.

When we reached Alex' room we were greeted by three faces. Theodore, Sereen and the King. Theodore's eyes lit up when he saw me and before I knew it, I was engulfed in a hug.

"Goddess I was so worried." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and pulled away.

"I'm Ok Theo." I smiled and he gave me a nod before he let go.

Chris cleared his throat. "No hugs for me? Ok thanks guys." He joked and we all rolled our eyes. Sereen walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "You have to earn my hugs." Chris rolled his eyes.

"Alexander asked if you could help with the evacuation as soon as you arrived." Sereen told him and Chris nodded. He dropped the weapons he brought except his Axe and left the room.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I walked over to the desk in the room. It had blueprints of the castle on it.

"Alexander, Lawrence and Edith are helping with the evacuation. Ivo is working on some stuff in a made-up lab. I'm here babysitting." She glanced at the King in annoyance who grunted in return.

I nodded and looked at the map. "Do we have anything yet?" I asked.

Sereen sighed. "With the evacuation and everything we haven't gotten to it yet. Besides, we were waiting for you to get back since you're our best bet against Lillian."

Sereen started to explain some stuff they had already came up with but I couldn't concentrate on it. My vision started to blur more and I felt darkness trying to surround me. I tried to fight to stay conscious, but nothing seemed to work. My name was being called but I didn't know who called me, since I was busy concentrating not hitting my head as I felt my legs gave out.

I felt warm arms surround me and I recognized them as Theodore's. I looked up at him and through my blurry vision I could see two very concerned blue eyes looking down at me. I felt him place me down on a cold surface and I figured out it was the stone couch that was in the room. I heard Sereen mutter something and I knew she must have been scolding me.

It took a while for me to refocus. My vision was still blurry, but I felt good enough to take in my surroundings and speak. Theodore was yelling at me, something about me being an idiot. The King was standing next to him, watching me with curious eyes.

I smiled at Theo. "Hey..." Theodore's eyes shot to me and he was next to me within seconds. "I'm ok now Theo. Don't worry about me." I said softly.

"Don't worry?! Lydia look at yourself you are not ok! I've never seen someone this banged up." He pointed to my body and I realized someone must have taken of my shirt as I was now in my sports bra. I was still wearing my pants thankfully. Blood was seeping through my wounds and I agreed with Theo that I looked pretty bad. Not that I'd ever admit that.

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