Chapter 33, Betrayal

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*Lydia's POV*

I woke up in his warm arms. After Theo made me feel like no one else ever has before, we laid and enjoyed each other's company before we fell asleep. I sighed contently as I enjoyed Theo's warm arms around me. I was wearing his shirt, which made Theo's nice musky scent surround me. I felt Theo stir in his sleep before he pulled me closer to him. For someone who's asleep he has a crazy strong grip.

I laid in peace for a few moments before my eyes widened in horror. Someone knocked on the door.

"Your Highness, it's time for breakfast." A voice on the other side of the door called.

I didn't waste a second. I shot from his grip, which made him whimper from the loss of contact, and quickly collected my clothes off the floor before hiding underneath his bed.

The door opened just as I took my hiding spot. "Your Highness? Oh, Prince Theodore what are you still doing asleep?" a maid called as she walked over to his bed. Theo mumbled something in his sleep but didn't wake up. "Your Highness?" the maid called a bit louder, waking Theo up this time.

"Wha-? Ly-?" I froze as I heard his start calling my name but thankfully, he realized his situation before he got my whole name out. "What's going on?" he asked huskily.

"Sir, it's 7:30AM, You should be getting up soon." The maid told him.

Theo groaned, "Okay. I'll be up in a bit. Thank you." he mumbled.

The maid started to leave before she paused, "Sir, please keep your room tidy, your clothes don't belong on the foor!" I gulped as I saw her pick up Theo's pants from last night, which he had thrown on the floor after we were done with our... intense activities. 

"I'm sorry." Theo mumbled and I could hear from his morning voice that he was slightly embarrassed, probably because he remembered last night. "I'll make sure to clean up next time." he spoke.

"And where is your shirt?" she asked. I looked down at my body, Uh...

"I put it in the laundry last night." Theo covered up. Look at him, getting better at acting and lying every day. My teachings are becoming useful.

"Okay, next time try to put all your clothes in there." the maid scolded him, I grinned, she's so mom-ing him.

"Will do." Theo's deep voice responded.

The maid continued making her way to the door and stopped again at his seating area, "You didn't finish your glass last night sir? Was it not good?"

"No, it was, I just got... distracted." I bit back a laugh as Theo spoke those words, "I was really tired. Sorry." He spoke again.

"Okay, I will take my leave then." The maid said and I heard the door open and close again.

Theo sighed and I felt him fall back on the bed, he must have sat up. I grinned and came out from under the bed and jumped up, startling Theodore, who was staring at the ceiling. "That was a close one." I said, my grin never faltering.

"You were in here? I thought you went back to your own room."

I chuckled, "Nope, and it was a close call. I wonder how she would have responded if she saw a bra lying next to those pants." I said as I held my bra in front of me.

Theodore let out a deep breath, "That would have been a problem. Thank the goddess you're a deadly assassin who can move faster than light." He said as he put an arm on his eyes.

I smiled, "My mother was the one with the gift of swiftness." I told him to which he looked up.

Theo smiled and he then pulled me close to him on the bed, "Join me, love." He said softly and I swear his husky morning voice made my heart skip a beat.

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