Chapter 28, Desire

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*Lydia's POV*

It had been a few weeks since Theo and I patched things up. We went back to Raebershire that evening. We were scolded by Alex, Lawrence, Edith, Sereen and Anna. They were worried when Theo and I didn't come back last night, especially when the news got out that the city mayor of Enderbrine was murdered.

Theo immediately had to head out again to make a statement. He had been the last person to speak to the man, but Theo managed to lie and tell them he had already left the room before the mayor got murdered, and him being the prince they believed it. Also because a crystal arrow was found at the crime scene.

After this we continued work as usual. Theo managed to apprehend two more people on our list rightfully. People also seemed happy Theo and I made up. It became a lot more lively in the Order since all the tension from before had left. There were no more lies, no more secrets, no more feelings being hidden, or well, except mine.

I didn't know it was possible but I somehow fell even harder for Theodore in the past weeks. It didn't help that Theo wasn't hiding his own feelings anymore either. He wasn't shy to tell me how much he cared for me, loved me. Thankfully, he did keep a safe distance between us. He didn't push my buttons or did things I didn't want to do. I was very grateful for that, yet at the same time I longed for him. His touch, his warm hugs, his hand in mine. I longed for him, and I didn't know how to get rid of the feeling.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror. How did it get like this? Just a couple weeks ago I asked myself the exact same question, but back then I was asking how there was such a big mountain between us. A massive hurdle neither of us had managed to climb back then. Now the question was on how I fell in this deep, and how I would ever get out.

Love is weakness.

I clenched my jaw. But what if I don't mind that kind of weakness? I had never felt better as I had the past few weeks. Theo was a light in my dark and lonely cave, and everything was clear when he was around. He made me feel light, warm and loved. With him I didn't feel alone.

I sighed and grabbed the necklace hidden underneath my shirt. What am I supposed to do?

I heard a knock on my door. I glanced over to see Edith in the door opening. "Edith." I spoke calmly, immediately trying to collect all my thoughts and push them behind a door so she wouldn't see them.

She smirked, "No need to hide from me Lydia."

I rolled my eyes, "Can I help you?"

Edith smiled, "No. Can I help you?"

I paused, then gulped.

"You do know that there is no need to go through all this by yourself, right? There are plenty of people who want to help. Sereen and Chris have both been in your shoes before. I can help too. You just have to ask."

I sighed, "I don't want to waste anyone's time."

"You're not wasting time if they want to help you. It's ok to depend on someone." Edith paused, "There are plenty of people depending on you too."

I looked away, "That's their choice, I will make mine."

Edith nodded, "I agree. But why is it that you allow everyone to depend on you: Anna, who sees you as the only real family she has, Sereen who looks up to you, Lawrence who believes you're the only person who can understand him, Alexander who sees you as his daughter," Edith walked closer, "Theodore, who loves you with all his heart."

I closed my eyes. Edith put a hand on my shoulder, "They all depend on you, so you can depend on them as well."

I looked at her, her hazel eyes calmly staring into mine. "What if something happens?"

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