Chapter 29, Secrets

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Theo's POV:

I always thought I was strong. I never really had any trouble with military training, or just fighting in general. How wrong I was. It had been 2 hours since my training with Lydia started, and I felt it had been 5 hours instead. She wasn't kidding when she said she wasn't going to hold back. As a teacher, Lydia was direct and unforgiving. In the past two hours I hadn't heard a single positive thing from Lydia. Just things I had done wrong. But besides all that, I kept getting up anyway. And if I was honest, Lydia acting like a teacher was kind of hot.

"You need to be faster Prince Charming!" Lydia said as she swiftly ducked away from my sword. She was holding a small knife while she let me attack her with my sword. At first, I thought it would be too dangerous for her, but in the 30 minutes we've been doing this, I hadn't even come close to Lydia.

I huffed and tried to slash her again. Lydia ducked again and grabbed my leg, making me fall on the floor. "You would have been dead by now." She said as she raised an eyebrow at me.

I sighed. "I would have been dead a million times already."

Lydia smirked. "Get up and ditch the sword. We're going to do hand on hand combat next."

I nodded and god up. I walked over to the side to put away my sword. When I turned around I almost got in the face by Lydia, only dodging last second. "What the-"

"I said we'd do hand on hand combat next, not take a break." Lydia smirked.

I clenched my teeth and got into a stance. Lydia started throwing punches telling me where my weak points were in my stance and how to improve on them. I tried to keep up as Lydia swiftly moved from side to side while throwing punches and kicks my way. I knew she wasn't even using 1/3rd of her abilities as she was not even a bit out of breath and not a single drop of sweat could be seen on her perfect body. She wasn't even using the stance she used during her fight with Sereen back at the expedition, this was just a mock version of that one.

Her training clothes had thrown me off at first. She was wearing a form fitting top that showed her stomach and pants made from a soft and stretchy material, which showed all her curves. I couldn't keep my eyes of her.

I got kicked in the side. "Eyes up here Theodore." Lydia smirked; her eyes gleaming with mirth as she caught me staring.

"How can I when you're wearing that?" Showing your stomach or wearing clothes that tight weren't common in the kingdom. Not that I mind her wearing it.

"They are comfortable clothes Theo." I managed to block a punch only for her to floor me using her other hand and legs. As she straddled me, I gulped.

"Very revealing too."

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Control yourself Theodore." she got off me but not before very obviously brushing over the bulge that had formed in my pants.

"S-sorry" I got up trying to collect myself.

Lydia grinned. "Do you need a break?"

I narrowed my eyes, not wanting to give in so easily. I could use a break, but I am too stubborn to tell Lydia that. Thankfully though, my savior came in the form of Sereen.

"Whoho-hoooo what's going on in here?!"

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Sereen I'm in the middle of training."

Sereen crossed her arms as she glanced at me. "I think the poor guy could use a break."

I gave Sereen a small smile while Lydia groaned. "Weakling." Was all she said as she walked out of the training ring to her best friend. I tried to catch my breathing while also still trying to calm down the area between my legs.

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