Chapter 18, Scavenger Hunt

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*Lydia's POV*

When we gathered in front of our inn the next morning Roland explained that we were going to do a scavenger hunt today. Each squadron would split up in two groups and would go around the city finding important landmarks, some of which we've already seen. It was a test to see how we could navigate the city while also having fun and learning new things.

Chris grunted, "How old do they think we are?" He had a clear hangover from last night. Theo told me during breakfast how he had drunk a whole lot of beer and then passed out in his bed. Theodore had been with him the entire time refusing Chris' offers to drink with him. Poor guy.

"It could be fun!" Amber exclaimed and she nudged Sereen slightly who blushed.

Theodore sighed, "I suppose we're doing a boys and girls group?"

Amber glanced at me and I stopped myself from rolling my eyes, "Noooo! We should mix it up, how about Sereen and Chris go together and us three go?" She suggested as she pushed Sereen towards a still half asleep Chris.

Sereen was silently asking Amber to stop but Amber kept pushing her. "Besides, in a weird city it's not smart to let three girls walk around by themselves." She made an argument.

"I guess that's true." Theodore said as he looked away deep in thought. I mentally facepalmed. That prince is so gullible and oblivious he isn't even aware we're pushing Sereen and Chris together.

I walked over to Amber and put a hand on her shoulder, she stopped pushing Sereen and looked at me quizzically. I smiled at Sereen who looked at me gratefully before I pushed her hard towards Chris. "Chris catch!" I yelled as I saw her trip.

Chris immediately shot from his trance and caught Sereen, holding her in his arms. Their faces were only a few centimeters apart and I saw Sereen's face grow redder than a tomato.

I looked at Amber, "That's how you do it." I told her calmly and she was grinning from ear to ear as she complimented me. I looked at Theodore who was watching us with shock and confusion on his face.

Sereen let out some sort of weird screech and pushed herself away from a bewildered looking Chris. 

"Well now that we have our groups I'll go report to Roland." I told them, ignoring the yells form an angry Sereen as I walked away.

After reporting the two groups to Roland I was given two maps and our first clues. I gave Chris a map and clue and pulled Amber and Theo with me so we could depart.

When we were a safe distance away from Chris and Sereen Theodore spoke up, "What was that all about?"

I grinned, "Nothing you need to be concerned about." I told him and he frowned.

Amber giggled, "Let's just say that Chris and Sereen had to be together for the scavenger hunt."

Theo's frown deepened and I decided to change the subject, "So, our first clue." Theo and Amber both looked at me in excitement. Little kids. "Where the mermaid sings under the moon, the next clue will surely bloom." I told them the clue and inwardly sighed. All of these are going to have terrible rhymes, don't they?

"Hmmm, well a mermaid is near water, right?" Amber spoke up. I nodded.

"I think it's the Moonsong Lighthouse." Theo spoke up. I checked the map and saw that it was pretty close to us.

"Considering the distance and that it's a lighthouse, close to the water, I agree." I told him and Amber nodded too.

"Let's go then!" Theo said with a smile.

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