Chapter 10, Dreams

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*Lydia's POV*

It was a special night. I was excited. It was cold out, and snow was falling softly around us as the five of us left Raebershire for a mission. Five assassins, and for one of them, me, the very first mission. Usually, they wouldn't let kids join in on missions until they were at least ten. And even then, they only joined if they had proven themselves. Lilly had her first mission at ten. But I was only 7 years old, three years before my first mission was supposed to take place.

Granted, they needed a young girl for this mission. Two actually, Lilly was only 11 after all. The mission objective was stopping an illegal child trade organization. And the best way to clear an organization like that is from the inside. Lilly and I had already infiltrated their main base of operations, and were located in the big hall. The other three assassins had also taken their positions. Jonathan Martin, my father who has the gift of strength, and Ray, a member of the order with the gift of healing, were in position to bust through the door and kill whoever was behind this mess. My mother, Malia, was located behind them, she would lead out the children, making sure none would be hurt. She had the gift of swiftness, so she could react faster than any of us.

The big hall was filled with scared little children. There were about sixty of them. If this mission failed, these children would be shipped off and sold as slaves. I was sitting against the wall, trying to make myself not stand out. My sister was next to me, invisible, holding two bows. She had just received her very own bow, the Emerald Bow. It was made from an incredibly light material, even lighter than the Crystal Bow I would receive three years from now. Lilly's bow hit harder than the Crystal Bow, it was more deadly, and its emerald green color fit Lilly's emerald green eyes perfectly.

The door of the hall opened, and even more henchmen came into the hall. Maybe dad and mister Ray had already been fighting outside. As I saw the boss walk in, I dipped my head lower, hoping to go unnoticed. The man had looked slightly panicked, probably because the order was here.

I suddenly felt a soft hand on my shoulder, an invisible hand. My sister. "You're doing great so far Lia." She whispered.

The man walked through the crowd of children. They were all looking down, most children learned from experience that making eye contact resulted in a beating, or something even worse. The man examined his merchandise. When he arrived in front of me, he noticed something. He obviously hadn't seen me before.

My long brown hair already made me stand out, I was hoping he would continue walking. If he saw my eyes it would be game over.

"Little girl?" it was more of a statement than a question. I knew he was talking to me.

"Yes?" I replied, not looking up.

"What is your name child? I have never seen you before." the man asked.

Lilly's hand was still on my shoulder, reassuring me. "My name is Kate, sir. I arrived today." I lied.

I heard the man turn. "Did any of you bring her in today?" I cursed internally. Usually the henchmen would show each child to the boss first, but since I had sneaked in, I hadn't been shown to anyone. I was in trouble.

I heard some shaking and whispering and I knew I had to start doing something. The man sighed and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up. I was uncomfortably close to his body. I avoided eye contact by closing my eyes and shifting my head to the side. The man asked who I was again and I responded the same way I did last time.

He was pissed now, he grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him. I opened my eyes and awe could be seen on the man's face. I made sure not to show fear, as I didn't fear the man in front of me.

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