Chapter 11, Jealousy

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*Lydia's POV*

I hadn't actually been able to fall back asleep. I just laid in the tent listening to the other four people next to me. Sereen and Amber had been sleeping peacefully, Chris had indeed been snoring, which was very annoying. He had also managed to put his arms around Sereen's waist, though I knew she would hit him as soon as she woke up. Theodore had been awake a little longer, but eventually I heard his breathing even out and I knew he too, had fallen asleep.

After waiting a couple hours, I decided to leave the tent again. Looking at the moon's position, it had been around 4AM. I grabbed my bow and went into the forest to hunt. I was nice being out by myself, not bothered by the shy and unconfident Amber or the annoying prince. I had jumped up a tree and took my position to hunt, when the sun had been coming up, the world around me seemed to wake up and the first deer had been walking around. I aimed but before I could shoot it a wolf appeared and caught it. I rolled my eyes. I recognized the massive black wolf.

I jumped down once I knew the wolf was done killing its prey. "That was mine you know." I told him. The wolf looked at me, his teeth still red from the blood. He gave me a wolf smirk before he disappeared behind some trees, after a minute Chris stepped out from behind the trees wearing clothes.

"Sorry, I didn't see you in time." He spoke as he used his sleeve to clean off the blood on his face.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the deer, "We can't take that back to camp. It would raise suspicion."

Chris snorted, "Whatever, just stick an arrow into it's heart and we'll pretend it was bitten by a wolf before you shot it. I kept it fairly clean you know, only one big bite mark."

I sighed as I observed the doe. "Fine, but you're carrying it back. What were you doing out here anyway? I thought we agreed I would hunt this morning."

Chris shrugged, "I was collecting firewood when I saw the deer and it's been forever since I've had a good hunt."

"You're gonna get us in trouble." I told him but he ignored my comment as he made himself a makeshift carrier and lifted the deer onto it. As he started carrying the deer I followed, foraging some goods along the way. Chris first went back to the pile of firewood he dropped when he saw the deer and collected those as well.

"How are you and Sereen doing?" I asked him as we got closer to the camp.

Chris sighed, "I don't know. Sereen doesn't really show interest as usual."

I grinned, "Well, I saw you holding her this morning when I got up so I'm sure you enjoyed that."

Chris bit back a smile, "It happened without me knowing, I promise. Don't tell her she'll kill me."

I chuckled, "Your secret is safe with me."


When we reached the campsite Sereen was sitting at the fireplace trying to reignite the fire. Amber was sitting next to her and Theo had just emerged from the tent. He was stretching.

Sereen noticed us first and smiled, "Finally! Chris, I told you to hurry with the firewood!" she complained.

Chris sighed and looked at me, "See how well I'm doing?"

I grinned, "Just keep trying. Sereen is almost as stubborn as I am."

Chris smiled and looked at Sereen, "Sorry. I met with Lydia and she asked me to help carry back the deer she caught."

Sereen looked at the deer and stood up. "Decent size." She mumbled. She then frowned as she saw the bite mark. "Did you catch it?" she asked softly, making sure Amber and Theo couldn't hear us.

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