Chapter 39, The Flying Archer

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*Lydia's POV*

I winced in pain as I landed on the walls of the castle. Ivo had given me something against the pain, but it was clearly not working all that well. I was at the back of the castle; I would sneak in there so I could face Lillian alone.

The rest was already in the main hall, probably having a massive battle. Theodore would be in the middle, protected by Sereen and Chris. Alex was to fight Steven again, making sure he would stay occupied and wouldn't kill anyone with his obsidian sword. Edith and Ivo lead the main charge, we had taken more members from the Order. The total amounts of people we took was around 50. We didn't want to take anymore in case this mission went south. The King was part of the main fighting force as well. Lawrence had stayed back in the hideout, taking the lead there.

I had first informed Anna and got her into position before entering the castle myself. I gave a shaky sigh as I entered the hallway, by now, Lillian must have realized I'm not present. I made my way towards the stairwell, just above the throne room. There she stood, her green eyes boring into mine. "I was afraid you wouldn't show." She spoke.

I scoffed, "I wouldn't want to miss it, though, Alex told me to stay away from the main battlefield."

Lillian frowned, "So, you decided to come to me instead. That man is even more stupid than I thought."

I shrugged, "Not really, beating you shouldn't be that hard after all."

Lillian clenched her jaw and got her knife out, "Are you challenging me sis? Do you really think you can beat me?"

I got my knife out as well, "Yes. I think I can."

Lillian scoffed, "Fine. Let's find out."

I grinned, and then we clashed. We dodged each other's slashes and kicks. Lillian was fast, but so was I. I jumped up to dodge one of Lillian's kicks and slammed down on her. She dodged just in time and rolled on the floor until she could stand up again. She lashed out again and I used the wall as a way to launch myself, with the speed I picked up I managed to slash her waist. It was only a small cut, a scrape really, but it was something.

"You got a lot smarter sis, I'll give you that." Lillian said as she gritted her teeth. "But this isn't enough to beat me" she lashed out at me again and I dodged.

We continued our charade for a while. My wounds had started hurting, they probably opened up again. I gritted my teeth and ignored the pain. I already knew what my sister was doing, I had predicted it. She was leading me towards the throne room. I could hear the fight going on downstairs. I dodged a kick and jumped on a beam, Lillian got out her bow and shot an arrow at me which I dodged. Lillian turned invisible and I followed her presence. She was climbing up the beam. I grabbed my bow and shot an arrow towards her presence, as expected it hadn't hit her, but it let her know I knew where she was. When she made her way up on the beam we clashed again, but this time I had the upper hand. I jumped from beam to beam with ease while Lillian had to use more energy, she still kept up just fine though. We were now fighting right above the throne room, and if the people downstairs would look up, they could see our clashing.

We clashed again, "Are you done yet?" Lillian asked between pants, I was breathing heavily too. She seems tired enough, time for part two.

"Not quite." I said and after clashing knives a couple of times I jumped down the beam, on a guard that was bothering Theodore.

I stood up and was back to back with Theodore. When I looked up at the beam I couldn't sense Lillian there anymore.

"Thanks" Theodore said as he held his sword in front of him, he was panting.

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