Chapter 8, Prince Charming

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*Sereen's POV*

"Chris stop messing around and help me!" I yelled at the fool. Chris had been splashing water on my face the entire morning. We arrived back in Silvercliff last night and found out we were assigned to farming this entire week. The base has a self-sustainable farm and every squadron will have to take care of it one week a year. It was our turn this week.

It was now late fall, and many crops were close to harvest. I had given Chris the assignment of watering the crops while I would be checking them in case some were harvestable.

Chris splashed more water in my face making me stand up in anger. "Oh you're such a child!"

Chris grinned and I saw him reach into his watering can to get more water. I grabbed the watering can from his hands and dropped the entire thing on his head. He was soaked.

"HAH! Take that!"

Chris tried to wipe the water from his face and raised an eyebrow at me. His grey eyes were now a tone darker. "If there weren't any people here that could see us I would have transformed into a wolf and I would have shaken all that water back on you."

"Ew gross..."

Chris shrugged before grinning. "I guess this will suffice."

Before I could react, he embraced me, his wet clothes seeping into mine. But it wasn't the water that caught my attention, it was the warm and steady embrace. I could feel my face heat up as I thought about the intimacy of the hug. I put my hands on Chris' well built chest and tried to push him away from me. He wouldn't budge. Oh no.

I heard Chris chuckle and his breath fanning my ear made me shiver. "Not gonna work sweetheart." I blushed even more at the nickname.

I swiftly swept Chris off his feet using my assassin skills and landed on top of him.

Chris grinned. "If you wanted something even more intimate you could have just asked."

My eyes widened and I jumped 20 feet into the air to get away from him. "N-no way."

Another deep chuckle filled the air as Chris got up. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle."

I scrunched up my face. "What is wrong with you today?"

Chris shrugged, "Nothing, just being my amazing self."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the watering can. "You know what? You check the crops and I'll water them."

Chris smiled and gave me a nod before walking towards the crops and checking them.

UGH! He's so infuriating!

I filled the watering can and I started watering plants. As I was watering plants my eyes involuntarily went back to Chris. He was checking plants like I told him. His large frame stood out from the plants like a scarecrow, and his curly hair was still stuck to his head after I had poured water on him. He looked bored, but still did his job carefully and diligently. His back muscles flexed as he bent down and collected some carrots.

His muscles do look good. Wait, no!

I scolded myself mentally. Ever since our mission in Adis I had been thinking about the idiot. I knew he had a crush on me, but up till now I never had any interest. But then again, the last time I saw him before this mission was when we were fifteen and seventeen years old. He was just a little boy back then, and I just a little girl. Now though, at a massive 6ft3, nice tanned skin, adorable black curly hair and with enough muscles to start lifting trees, he looked quite attractive. He had matured quite a bit, on the outside at least.

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