Chapter 6, Adis

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*Lydia's POV*

"How about a trip to Adis?"

"Adis? That city in the desert? That isn't even in the current borders of Elias." I frowned.

Alex nodded. "You're right. But we received information that a certain weapon is located there."

"So, we're stealing a weapon then?" Sereen crossed her arms.

"Yes! The sword of light. Years ago, some gifted managed to extract parts of their gifts to seal it in certain weapons. The sword of light is one of these weapons. The sword has the ability to create light." Alex explained to us.

I frowned, wondering why we had never heard of these kinds of weapons but Anna was one step ahead. "That's so cool! Why did we stop doing that?"

Alex sighed. "At first it seemed as if nothing was wrong. But after a few years we found out that by extracting a gift from someone, even if only a small part, it takes away their life force. Almost everyone who got their gift extracted died in the next five years."

"Oh..." Anna cringed.

I sighed. "But the weapons still work? and one of them is in Adis?"

Alex nodded. "Yes. It's located in the pyramid of Adis."

Sereen's eyes widened. "We're going to rob a pyramid? Aren't those full of death traps?"

I grinned. "Sereen our life is a giant death trap. I think we can handle a pyramid."

Sereen was about to say something when Lawrence entered the room holding a bunch of maps and books. Alex smiled, "Ah there you are! Lawrence has maps of Adis and a book on the sword of light."

Lawrence nodded and laid the maps down on the table in front of us. He started explaining various routes we could take and what was known of the pyramid itself. He also spoke more about the weapons created by the gifted. I got distracted when I noticed Alex' claymore sitting besides his seat. I narrowed my eyes at it.



"You said almost everyone died within five years. Did they try it on you?" I looked into Alex' dark brown eyes. He glanced at his claymore and then back to me before nodding.

"My claymore is indestructible." Was his simple explanation.

"Wow..." I heard Anna as she looked at the claymore.

"Did it affect you in any way?" Sereen asked, switching her gaze between the claymore and Alex.

Alex grimaced. "I was fine for the first two years. But after those years I became paralyzed. My entire body was paralyzed for around fifty years. I was fine after that though."

I frowned. Alex' mental state isn't the best. I know he tried to kill himself many times. Being paralyzed for fifty years must have been devastating for him. Alex put his hand on my shoulder, probably sensing my worry. "I survived. It wasn't easy, but this was years before I even became the king's advisor, the kingdom was safe and so was I."

"You always survive." I muttered. Alex gave me a warm smile and I shook my head and smiled back at him, not wanting him to worry about me.


After getting all the information we needed and having dinner, Sereen, Anna and I went on our way. We reached Adis around 3AM. We arrived at the pyramid and used the instructions Lawrence and Alex gave us to open it. The first thing we faced was darkness.

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