Unexpected Blessings Part 22

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Blinking awake Evaline smiled at the arm wrapped around her holding the hand she had placed on her baby bump.

Shifting to her back she kept their hands intertwined on her stomach as she turned her head to look at the sleeping blonde next to her.

Slipping her hand out from under his she laid his palm on her pregnant stomach. Playing with the bracelets he kept on his wrist from playing his character she ran her fingers up and down his hand.

Humming Rudy opened his eyes, "Good morning, Pretty Girl," he whispered. Turning her head Evaline smiled, "Good morning," she whispered back, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"I don't mind," he replied as he traced patterns on her stomach. Turning to her side she smiled as he wrapped his arm around her hip and tugged her closer, "You doing okay this morning?" he asked.

Wrapping her arm around his neck she ran her fingers through his hair, "I'm doing just fine," she answered, "A little sore but you know I've been out of the game for a few months so I'm not used to using those muscles anymore," she told him, giggling

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Wrapping her arm around his neck she ran her fingers through his hair, "I'm doing just fine," she answered, "A little sore but you know I've been out of the game for a few months so I'm not used to using those muscles anymore," she told him, giggling.

Snorting he shook his head, "You're ridiculous," he told her, "But I'd be more than willing to help you tone those muscles back into shape," he offered.

Laughing Evaline pressed a kiss to his chest, to his jaw, and finally his lips, "I'll accept that offer," she told him.

Pleasantly sore after their thorough workout Evaline stretched, "I have to get up. The girls will be here by noon," she told him, sitting up. Sliding out of the bed she asked what he was going to do for the day.

"Chase said something about going to the gym and that's about all I've got," he told her, smiling when she picked his shirt up off the floor and put it on. Walking to her closet Evaline attempted to find something she'd be comfortable in to shop all day.

Giving up on her closet she went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of cotton shorts and a t-shirt. Throwing them on the bed she glanced at the boy still lounging there smiling at her, "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Admiring the view," he answered, smirking. "I don't even know," she started to say before sucking in a breath and bringing a hand to her stomach as she looked down at her baby belly.

"What? What is it?" Rudy asked jumping from the bed to stand in front of her with a look of concern. "I don't know," she answered, "I felt like a flutter or something," she told him. "Is that normal?" he questioned.

"Yeah. I think it's called quickening. I read about it in that book," she said, finally looking up at him. Licking her lips at the very naked boy in front of her, Evaline wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her naked body to his, "I could text the girls and cancel today. Spend all day in bed with you instead," she offered.

 Spend all day in bed with you instead," she offered

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