Episode # 25: Let's hope for the best.

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Episode # 25: (Let's hope for the best)

"I just hate these cramps," Swara said while groaning because of the shooting pain. Sanskar caressed her hair and made it sure to keep the bottle properly over her abdomen. Swara slept after an hour when her cramps reduced.

Sanskar made her lie properly and went to freshen up. He came out, and after making sure that she is asleep, he came downstairs. "She slept?" Niharika asked when she saw him coming down.

Sanskar came and settle down on the sofa in front of her. "Yes, mom," Sanskar said and picked Samay in his lap, who was crawling near his feet while blabbering gibberish words.

"Sanskar here is your tea," Aastha said while giving him a cup of tea. Sanskar thanked her and took the cup from her hands. "Where is Aarav?" Sanskar asked while looking around.

"Mister went to his room because he wanted to do colouring in his drawing book," Aastha told him while sipping her tea. They were talking with each other when Arnav and Reyansh came back. They were happy after seeing Sanskar there.

"How is Yuvaan's practice going on?" Reyansh asked when they both were sitting alone in the hall. Sanskar chuckled after hearing this and said, "It's good that he is not out of practice as he goes for practice daily, but was cursing me that because of me he has to do extra practice."

"I just hope we will win this race otherwise we have to think about another way to destroy Rajiv," Reyansh said, and Sanskar nodded his head. "Let's hope for the best," Sanskar said.

Sanskar, after having dinner with the family came back to Swara's room and found the bed was empty. He looked around and came to know that she is in the washroom. He settled down on their bed and started gazing out of the window.

His thoughts broke when he heard the door opening sound and found Swara was coming out of the washroom with a pale face. Swara saw him and with lazy steps came towards him. Sanskar sat down on the bed after seeing her.

"Why are you looking pale?" Sanskar asked when Swara lie down while keeping her head on his lap. "I'll be fine in a day or two. It happens every month," Swara said and kept her head suitably in his lap.

"Don't you want to eat anything?" Sanskar asked while caressing her hair. Swara shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry for now."

"Sorry I spoiled your surprise," Swara said after some time. Sanskar after hearing this shook his head and while giving a light slap over her head said, "If I didn't come then how can I be able to know that in future I have to be extra careful for you in these days?"

"Thank you," Swara said, and Sanskar smiled in return. "Arush Bhai and DD texted me and were apologizing that they could not come," Swara told him. Sanskar smiled after hearing this because these little gestures of care and giving importance to your family members will make the relationships stronger.

Sanskar spent his weekend with Swara and her family. He made it sure to take care of her and tried to make her eat healthy food. He told her he is going to London with Yuvaan for some important work and will be back before the next weekend.


Sanskar and Yuvaan came out of the plane. Sanskar went to take a cup of coffee and Yuvaan, while holding his backpack on his shoulder, went towards the exit. He was doing something on his cellphone when someone banged onto his shoulder.

"Sorry," Yuvaan said and turned around to face the person. "Oo, look who is here. After these many years, Yuvaan Goenka the loser who had never won the annual race," the person standing in front of him was none other than Rehaan Shekhawat.

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