We don't need words.

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"I'm back, " Tsukishima called out, he dropped his bag on the floor and locked the door. He took off his shoes and slipped on his home slippers. He noticed the woman hard at work, he smiled softly and quietly walked up to her. She was typing a report, he sat down beside her and just quietly looked at her. Yachi, on the other hand, had not felt his presence looking at her, she continued her work, grumbling a bit.

"You spelled that wrongly, " She was startled by the familiar voice so close to her ear and the hand that pointed at her computer screen.

"Kei-kun! Since when did you come back? " Yachi said, turning to her side to his blank face, he was so close. Tsukishima tilted his head.

"I've been here for a while now. You were busy with work so I just let you be. Anyway, this letter should have an 'a' after the 'e'," Tsukishima explained, She turned to the computer and corrected her mistake. Tsukishima got up and stretched.

"I'll start preparing for dinner. " He said. Yachi stared at the tall figure walking to the kitchen.

She reminded herself that it had been almost 4 years since they have been living together. She wondered how they've managed to stay in the quite comfy apartment for so long. It wasn't like they both didn't have the money to get their own apartments, things kept coming up and in the end, they both never really left. Not that she didn't mind, she was happy that she was still close to her former schoolmate, maybe even still had those fluttery feelings even for so long. Although, she knew one day he would get a girlfriend and leave the apartment. But she would rather not think about it right now.

"Okay~" She hummed in response, she got back to her work, less focused this time. She furrowed her brows as she thought of something.

It was one of those moments that made her very confused. Is this what couples do? Maybe it is... But Tsukki was just her close friend and roommate, so it's normal for him to be close... right? It's normal for them to cook for each other, do laundry day... Even have fancy Friday where they cook together a nice dinner and pick out a movie to watch.

She slapped herself and ignored the thoughts, she heard a chuckle. She turned to Tsukishima who saw the scene.

"If you're losing focus, take a break, Hitoka," Tsukki called out, she flushed but reluctantly closed her laptop. It's not like she had to finish it today, she still had a few days left before the assignment is due.

She got up and walked to the kitchen to see what he was making. It smelled good and it made Yachi's stomach grumble. She stared at the boiling stew, she smiled happily. Tsukishima wasn't a chef or anything, but his dishes were always so comforting and warm, it was also very yummy and Yachi loves it when he cooks. Tsukki noticed the women and gave a small smile.

"Hey, could you help me set the table instead of blanking out?" He called out. Yachi snapped out of her thoughts and nodded. She took out the appropriate plates and utensils and set the table. Once she was done, she sat down and waited for him. Soon enough Tsukishma placed the dishes on the table. They both sat down.

"Thank you for the meal!" Yachi called out, starting to eat. She smiled in approval when the food touched her taste buds, it was right up her alley. Tsukishima looked at the girl, smiling. She ate her food hungrily, her cheeks puffing up.

"You got some rice on your cheek- here," Tsukishima said, leaning to her and wiping it away for her. She blushed but smiled.

"Thank you, Kei." She said, he also started eating. She noticed how his expression would change ever so softly, it's what she loved to notice from him.

The small brow raises, a twitch in his lips that just seems to hide his true smile, the ever so slightly glance that would make her heart fluttered out of her chest. Throughout the years, she would slowly understand Tsukishima's expressions and feelings. She knew what exactly he felt. Right now he felt relaxed and comfortable, and she's happy that he could achieve that with her.

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