Navigate Me Through Your Body

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(Song- Navigate Me - Cute Is What We Aim For)
(TW Panic attack)
(I hope you guys like this chapter :) )

(Mid March)
Week two.

Week one was spent much like the first day. Panic attacks grew less and less, hallucinations weren't nearly as severe as they had been before, mostly just little things. Stars. Bugs on the ground that weren't really there. His computer screen looking like TV static again. Auditory hallucinations were mellow, hearing music that wasn't playing, hearing voices that weren't the ones who normally live in his head talking, hearing sirens when there weren't any. Otherwise, this medication may just be working.

Alex hadn't gone back to school all week, and he was afraid to go back this week, and now that he's missed four weeks, a fifth wouldn't make much different. He's been medically excused, and today being the 19th, school would be letting out for spring break in ten days anyway. What was the point in him returning? There wasn't. So he'd basically been excused from school for a little over a month. He felt pathetic about it. Rian and Jack who had been going to school, since Isobel and Peter worked something out where they took turns staying home with him, wouldn't tell him a thing that happened. Not about him at least. Still, he sometimes heard them when they thought that he couldn't. He'd gained the reputation of being psychotic and dangerous. He wasn't dangerous at all. Maybe to himself, but no one else.
The medication came with side effects, which too were dwindling away slowly but he had no appetite a lot of times, migraines, sometimes nausea so bad that he threw up, and constant sleepiness. He'd spent a lot of week one napping. 

He's five days in on week two and the side effects are slowly going away more and more. The migraines have turned into dull headaches, the vomiting turned into just mild nausea that usually went away with a glass of water, the sleepiness wasn't as bad as before, and he was getting some of his appetite back.
Panic attacks were getting easier and easier to manage, and hallucinations happened once or twice a day still, but nothing too awful. Scary sometimes, but not enough to have him completely unable to function. He'd been able to tune the voices out again.
It wasn't perfect, but it was good. Still, he had an overwhelming depression, leaving him apathetic and uninterested in much, except for when he put on a show for Elise. That didn't always feel fake, just the baby voice wasn't something he wanted to be doing. Dr. Cook was pleased with the effects of the antipsychotic, he said that it might just stay that way or might get even better, as far as the antidepressant went, Alex needed to give that more time to work. For the time being, at least his visual and auditory hallucinations were down, and the panic attacks were getting easier to handle. 
He wasn't left with much to say, though.
Rian had been able to go see his girlfriend and spend time away from Alex's house, which was nice for him, and Jack pretty much stayed by Alex's side. Not because he had to, but because he wanted to, depressing as it may be sometimes with little conversation.

Week three.
Spring break. March 29th. A week before school is back again.
Jack's got his arms around Alex upstairs while Isobel and Peter are at work, Elise with Isobel at the daycare.
Alex is half asleep on Jack's chest, but struggling to stay awake. He owes it to Jack.
He's felt a lot better recently, not perfect, but good enough. The depression wasn't lessened, it was just easier for him to manage, getting himself out of those feelings by distracting himself or doing something he enjoyed doing, even if he didn't have the motivation to. He was certain that he could go back to school next week.
"I love you." Alex said quietly, afraid to look up at his raven haired boy.
Jack's heart skipped a beat.
"What?" He asked, his voice soft as he paused the movie they were watching.
Alex swallowed hard, "I love you." He didn't necessarily mean in love, although he was getting there. He just loved him. He'd stuck around. Alex had known Jack since freshman year, now they're seniors and would graduate soon. In two months time. He and Jack hadn't been together long, two months but a lot of that was spent with Alex getting psychiatric treatment, but still Jack stayed. Even when Alex was being psychotic, even when he wasn't able to even trust himself, when he didn't know what was real and what was fake. Jack stuck around. They'd been together sexually only one time, but my god when they were it was perfect. He just loved Jack. Plain and simple.
"I love you." Alex whispered, shy this time. He'd lost his random bit of confidence.
Jack smiled, "Look at me." 
Alex looked up at him.
"I love you too Lex." 
Alex smiled, "You do?" 
Jack laughed a tiny bit at his reaction, "I do. Now kiss me." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Alex's lips.

Alex eagerly returned the kiss. If he wasn't awake earlier, he was now. 
Without breaking their kiss, he maneuvered himself onto Jack's lap, straddling him.
He put his hands on the back of Jack's neck, the fingers of his left hand laced through the raven hair he loved so much. 
Jack grazed his teeth against Alex's bottom lip, earning a soft moan out of the caramel haired boy. God he missed that sound. 
Their tongues continued to dance, while their pants got tighter and tighter. 
The friction was enough to have Alex grind his hips down a little, while Jack gripped Alex's hips.
Alex moved his hips against Jack's again, letting out another soft moan into Jack's mouth.
Jack pulled back a tiny bit, "Lex..." He said cautiously, knowing that Alex would hate that, but he wasn't about to just dive in because he was horny. He'd been horny. He could take care of himself if he had to, but he wasn't about to do something with Alex if he wasn't totally ready to.
Alex groaned a little, sitting up.
"Jack...Come on." He sighed, pouting at him a little. All he wanted to do was navigate Jack around his body, letting Jack learn it all over again. He needed him so badly it nearly hurt.
Jack smiled at his pout, "Babe I just wanna make sure you're ready...I mean, it's been like 2 months since we've done anything. We did it once on our first date, and then you know, everything happened. I just want to make sure we're not being stupid here." He sighed a tiny bit.
"Jack...Look. I've been fine since like the middle of last week. I know that's not a lot, I know...But still, it's better than I have been for a month and a half. Give me credit there. I miss you. I want you so bad...We promised more normal...I want more normal. I want to actually be in a relationship with you...My head is on straight, for the most part, as straight as it'll go, and I really, really do feel okay right now Jack...One thing I know for sure is even if I do lose my shit, I'm not going to lose it over being with you. I'm not going to regret whatever we do. Just please...Try..." He was pleading, staring into Jack's chocolate eyes. 
Jack looked right back into Alex's eyes that were brown with speckles of green in them.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
Alex rolled his eyes, then pressed his lips against Jack's again, not waiting for Jack to let him in. He pushed his tongue in and made their tongues dance again, Jack willingly and eagerly kissing right back.

In a matter of moments, their clothes were thrown to the ground, Jack on top of Alex, his elbow on his side to keep his weight off of his lover.
Jack's lips made their way down Alex's neck, sucking and biting on his collarbone, remembering how much that turned Alex on last time. He remembered every detail of last time. It played in his head a lot.
Alex tilted his head back, soft groans escaping his mouth, his hand gripping Jack's shoulder as he felt himself getting harder and harder. God he missed this.
Jack trailed his hand down Alex's side, feeling the curves of his body, kissing back up to his lips. He was doing this right, no fast and rough, no fucking just for the sake of getting fucked.
He was going to love Alex, more than just saying it, more than just beginning to truly fall in love with each other, but physically, romantically. 
Alex ran his hands down Jack's back, feeling how soft his skin was, and how warm he was.
Jack kissed down Alex's chest, down just above his waist and back up again, his face in Alex's neck, kissing and nipping, "You're so beautiful" He whispered, sending goosebumps down Alex's entire body.
"I want you so bad..." Alex whispered back, "I need you." 
Jack rolled over onto his back while Alex climbed on top, taking Jack's hands and hold them above his head, not in a kinky way, but just because. He leaned down and kissed Jack's lips, really enjoying taking things slow.
He kissed Jack's cheeks, then his lips again, then down his neck, letting go of Jack's hands, he kissed down Jack's chest, and torso, stopping just above his waist, looking up at Jack for approval of what he was about to do.

Jack nodded, "Please" He whispered. He needed Alex just as much as Alex needed him.
Alex wrapped his hand around Jack, causing the raven haired boy to let out a soft gasp and a small moan before Alex had even done anything.
Alex stroked him slowly for a moment before putting his mouth over Jack's cock and sucking slowly, up and down, using his tongue across Jack's tip each time he went back up, causing Jack to shudder and tense up, letting out soft sounds of pleasure. 
Alex moved his mouth and his tongue just a bit faster, making Jack thrust his hips up and his back arch, "Alex..." He moaned out.
Alex felt a rush of excitement hear Jack moaning his name, so he let out an 'mmm' while he moved his head up and down, causing Jack to moan out his name again.
Alex pulled himself up, kissing Jack's stomach all the way back up to his lips, he kissed Jack's neck, stopping just at his ear, "I need you babe" He whispered. Jack shuddered. He rolled them over, straddling Alex now. He reached into Alex's drawer where he remembered everything was and grabbed the lube and a condom. 
Alex smiled, watching as Jack tore the condom open and slid it on himself.
He licked his lips as Jack poured lube on his fingers and opened his legs all too willingly and lifted his legs around Jack's waist. Jack bit his lip and looked down at Alex, admiring the perfection that he was.
He rubbed the lube all over his fingers and slid one finger in, watching Alex close his eyes and grip the sheets, "More" Alex moaned.
Jack put another finger in, scissoring his fingers and going deep enough to curl his fingers around Alex's prostate, "Jaaackkk...More" Alex begged.
Jack smiled and put a third in, scissoring and hitting his prostate slowly, keeping everything slow. 
Alex let out little huffs of breath as he pushed himself down against Jack's fingers, letting out pleasured moans, "I need you" He begged again, looking at Jack with puppy dog eyes that were somehow sexy at the same time. An Alex thing. Innocent yet still sexy and horny as hell.
Jack took his fingers out, used the leftover lube to coat the condom and pushed himself in, leaving just the tip in at first. Alex chewed on his bottom lip, eyes closed, "More" Jack pushed more in, "More" Alex requested. Jack pushed himself all the way in and slowly thrusted in and out.
Alex moaned soft little moans, "Jack....Baby..." His hands on Jack's neck, nails just slightly digging in.
They coexisted with each other, their bodies moving to the same, soft, slow rhythm. A slow dance among lovers.
The only sounds were huffed out breaths and loud moans of each other's names, followed by the loud, yet sweet sounds of Alex moaning Jack's name as he orgasmed with Jack's help, followed by Jack finishing with a loud moan of his own.

They cleaned up and put nothing but their underwear back on, curling up under the blanket together, their bodies and hair sweaty. Alex laid his head back down on Jack's chest with a smile, tracing circles on his warm skin with the tip of his finger.
"Thank you" He said softly.
Jack smiled, "Don't thank me for loving you." 
Alex laughed a little, "I am thanking you though. I spent so much time being...I don't know. God. Manic. Insane. Lost. Not myself....And you stayed. Through the whole thing. Yeah, you were hesitant and weren't around for a while, but still, you came back and you even defended me when people were being assholes. You visited me in the place I never wanted to be. You kissed me again. You were here every day taking care of me and making sure I wasn't hurting myself or anything like that and helping with my baby who needed me and I couldn't do anything about it...And somehow, through all of that...Through all of me...The me who I don't like to let come out...You're here, you stayed and you told me that you love me too. So I am thanking you." 
Jack kissed the top of Alex's head, "Thank you for trusting me and for loving me in the first place. I'm not going anywhere Lex, I'm here for as long as you'll have me around. I promise you."  He started to play with Alex's still sweaty hair.  

Alex closed his eyes and took a few moments, enjoying what Jack was doing. He loved having his hair played with. It felt so good.
He spoke up again in a sleepy voice, "I wanna go on another date with you...One where we don't leave the movie halfway through to go have sex...Despite how fantastic that was..." He laughed a little, "And one where I don't lose it and see pictures looking at me. Can we do that?" 
Jack laughed a little bit, "Yeah, we can do that. Where should we go on our date?" 
Alex thought about it, "Hmmm...Disneyland." He joked.
Jack whined, "No fair. I wanna go to Disneyland for real." He tugged on a piece of Alex's hair. Alex laughed "Hair pulling does nothing but turn me on all over again. Try again."
He went back to thinking.
"How about...Okay, let's go get lunch and then after we can maybe see a movie for real this time, or we can hang out around Inner Harbor, make it like an all day thing. " Alex shrugged.
Jack smiled, "I like Inner Harbor. We can do that. I love the aquarium there. We could even get lunch there at one of the restaurants. We could be super cheesy and ride around the water taxis or the weird dragon paddle boats and get stuck not knowing how to paddle the right way and end up going in circles like idiots." Jack grinned.
Alex laughed, "Yes please, to all of that. Especially the being idiots in the water part. That part sounds the most fun." 
"It's a date then. Tomorrow?" Jack offered, twirling a bit of Alex's hair around his index finger.
"Tomorrow while my mom has Elise at daycare, so then we can come home and hang out with her." Alex smiled at the idea of that. He missed being a truly present parent, and he missed seeing Rian in school and then going their separate ways for the rest of the day for their own ideas of fun, and he missed seeing Zack every couple of weekends, trying and failing to learn how to use a skateboard like he could. 
He was going to get back to all of that. He swore it. 


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