For All Eternity

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(Song - A Thousand Years - Christina Perri)

(August 6th 2016)

Alex sucked in a deep breath and adjusted his bow tie as he looked at himself in the mirror one last time. Instead of seeing a broken, messed up guy, he saw a man who was about to be a husband to the best love he's ever known.
He smiled at his reflection.
He liked himself.
This feeling was a far cry from the person he was over a year ago. 
That person would've thought he'd be long dead by now, buried in the ground and forgotten about.
This person thinks about the future and what it's going to hold, and he tries wholeheartedly to come back from every breakdown, keeping the thought in his mind that it gets better. It's done nothing but get better.
His life was no longer one step forward, two steps back. It was continuous steps forward with bumps in the road, and he tripped and stumbled a lot, but steps forward nonetheless. 
Isobel looked at Alex and smiled proudly at him, tucking his maroon pocket square folded into the perfect triangle shape into the pocket of his tight fitted black suit.
"My god honey, you look so handsome." She kissed his cheek.
Alex smiled, "Thank you." He looked at Elise, dressed in a maroon dress with a white bow around her waist, carrying a little basket of red and white flower petals.
She had no idea what she was doing, but that was okay, she'd be adorable doing it anyway.

In a matter of a week and a few days, they'd set up their wedding. It wasn't big and extravagant. 
It was set up in a part of the most beautiful parks in the Baltimore area, covered in trees. There was no arch, just a simple podium where they asked Joe to officiate them. Joe always had faith in them from the start. They couldn't think of anyone better.
The aisle was a row of rose petals in a straight, wide line down to the podium. 
The seats were standard black chairs with maroon drapery over the back, making them look a bit more formal. 

Jack sucked in a deep breath and looked at May, "I'm glad you're here." He said quietly. Things were better, but still a bit awkward.
May adjusted his bow tie on his fitted black suit, then made sure his buttons on his white shirt were straight and was tucked in perfectly.
She smiled at him, "I'm glad I'm here too." 
She got interrupted by Zack putting his arm around Jack, "So I get to be your best man, while Rian gets to be Alex's maid of honor." He smirked.
Jack laughed, "Yep. That's what it looks like."
Zack hugged Jack, "You ready for this man?" He asked with a small smile.
Jack responded with a wide smile and a nod, "I've never been more ready in my life." He sighed a little, shaking off the nerves. It was just Alex. 

Rian hugged Alex close, "You okay?" He asked, watching Alex as he paced the room a little.
Alex nodded quickly, taking deep breaths.
"I'm fine. I just need a second. It's just Jack. I know that this is the most important day of our lives. It's just nerve wracking. I don't want to let him down." He looked at Rian with a worried look on his face.
Rian put his hands on Alex's shoulders, "Alex, you couldn't disappoint him even if you tried. He is so in love with you. Get out there and do your thing." He smiled, then left the little white tent a ways away set up for them to get ready. Jack was in the second one, staying hidden from Alex of course.
Zack met up with Rian and shook his head, "This is wild, man. Who would've thought?" He asked as they walked to reach their respective places by the podium.
Elise stood waiting, holding Peter's hand at the end of the aisle. 
Alex would be walking out with Isobel, and Jack would be walking out with Joyce.

There was no traditional wedding march either.
Instead, what played was A Thousand Years by Christina Perri quietly, as to not be some loud thing. Just quiet and peaceful. It was a song that Alex and Jack picked together. A traditional wedding march didn't fit, and as much as they would've liked to walk down the aisle to some obnoxious Blink or Fall Out Boy song, the lyrics is what swung it for Alex, and the gentle music is what did it for Jack. They equated the song to their relationship as well. It just fit. It felt right.
They'd had so little time to plan this wedding, but they wouldn't have it any other way. Extravagant, bold and high energy was not something they'd ever wanted.
Alex for anxiety reasons and his want for something special, not something huge.
Jack for the simple fact that this was such a special moment for him. He wanted it to be calm, low key and passionate, a moment just for him and Alex. Doing anything too fancy would've made this wedding feel like it was more for show, rather than what it really was.

Zack and Rian's parents were there, their therapists were even there. 
Bassam and May sat together.
Katie, Ben and Sam were there together. They'd come all the way from Illinois just for this moment. Katie was the most excited. Sam had to keep telling her to calm down, that the wedding hadn't even begun yet. Katie was wearing a beautiful cream colored dress, a low neckline with a rose gold necklace, her neat brown hair was waved, a low ponytail draped over her shoulder with a braid across the top of her head. Ben and his pretty slightly curly hair was wearing a navy blue button down shirt with a fitted pair of black jeans, looking handsome as ever. Now Sam, he was the best dressed between himself and Ben. Sam's light, almost brown hair was done nicely and neatly, wearing black jeans, a grey button down shirt with a maroon blazer over it. He had a pair of black RayBan sunglasses resting on the back of his neck. Katie kept her hand on his, and Sam sometimes pulled her hand up gently to press a kiss on the back of it.
"This is gonna be us one day." He whispered to her, making Katie nearly tear up then and there.
Alex had kept talking to Katie, and Jack made friends with Ben and Sam. Part of their plans after everything was settled with their new place and getting used to being married was to visit them. 

There weren't many chairs. They could've invited a few more people that they knew, like one of Isobel's coworkers that Alex had grown up with and knew well whenever he'd run into her. 
They didn't need many people, though. They had everyone they cared about and loved right there.
They wouldn't have it any other way. 

The music started. 
Peter walked Elise down the aisle, with her essentially dumping the flower petals all over the place, making people laugh and Katie nearly bounce out of her seat with excitement, "Oh my god." She whispered to Ben and Sam, "She's so so cute." She gave Elise a little wave, who grinned at her and waved her sweet little hand back, she liked talking to Katie, Ben and Sammy on facetime. Katie was auntie Katie. Ben was her Benny, and Sam was her SamSam.

Jack came out with Joyce holding his hand.
She wiped tears as she walked her son down the aisle, kissing his cheek and taking her seat next to Bassam as she watched her perfect son stand at that altar waiting for his soulmate to meet him there. They may be young, but she knew in her heart that they'd be together forever.

Jack looked down, chewing on his bottom lip. 
He looked up when Alex made his way down the aisle. This was the first time he'd seen Alex in his suit, his hair done perfectly.
He gasped a little, clapping his hand over his mouth, tears instantly falling down his cheeks.
Alex was so perfect.
"Oh my god" He let out a choked out, happy cry. This man was his forever. It hit him hard, just watching that sweet, shy boy walking down the aisle with his eyes only on Jack.
Alex's tears fell freely down his cheeks, watching Jack's reaction, "Jack." He whispered to himself, reaching up to wipe his tears. 
Jack wanted to just run to him and hold him forever. 
Alex wanted to do the exact same. How he managed to keep the gentle pace down the aisle, rather than breaking out into a sprint to get to his Jack was a miracle.
Alex smiled at Katie who was already crying. Jack's reaction alone made her cry, then seeing someone who'd quickly become one of her closest friends just added to the flood of emotions she was feeling.
She was happy that she'd suggested they get someone to photograph and record the entire wedding.
Alex was too. Jack's reaction was something he'd want to see for the rest of his life, over and over again.

Isobel let Alex's hand go as he reached the podium, standing facing Jack.
He blushed as Jack took his hands, "Oh my god. Alex...My god...Alexander, you look so perfect. You are so perfect. Look at you." He smiled.
Alex bit his lip, then looked back up at Jack shyly.
"Look at you is more like it. God, Jack...You are so perfect." He whispered, trying so hard to hold back from kissing his perfect lover.

"Hello everyone. I'm Joseph, Jack's older brother. We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Jack and Alex. Now, I have a lot to say about these two. I could probably go on and on, honestly." That earned a few chuckles from everyone.
Alex and Jack both smiled.
"These two have had a whirlwind of a relationship as all of you know, but life kept them together always. Life, effort, and fate. I'm not much of a believer in soulmates myself, but with these two, I see it. I see it in the way they look at each other, how when one moves, the other moves. I see it in the way they protect each other wordlessly. One is feeling anxious, the other magically knows and makes it all better. The way they hold each other." Joe teared up a little. "We all know that Alex has had some pretty bad cards dealt in his life, he wanted me to talk about this today so all of you could understand. My brother knows just by looking at him, with just one swift glance what Alex needs.  The way my brother holds him without even noticing that he's doing it most times, his arm just automatically goes around Alex, like it's not meant to be anywhere else but there. The way Jack comforts him...Like he's the only one in the entire world who can make things better...It's just...Wow. It amazes me. The way Alex watches out for my brother when he's anxious, the way Alex shows Jack constantly how proud he is of everything he's doing, how when Jack is simply just standing around, Alex gravitates to him and tells him how much he loves him, and just how in love with him he is. The way Alex stares at Jack like he walks on water, how he encourages my brother in all that he does, and all that he strives for...I've never seen anything like them, and quite frankly, I don't think any of us will in our entire lives. They are an entire entity all of their own."
He paused to let Alex and Jack calm down.
Both of them were in tears, quietly crying, clutching onto each other's hands.
They both looked into each other's eyes and took deep breaths.
Joe smiled at them, and smiled at their audience who wiped their own tears. The vows hadn't even begun yet, and they had the entire wedding party nearly sobbing.

"With that said, Jack, you have some vows you want to read to Alex. Go ahead and do that." Joe smiled an encouraging smile as Zack handed Jack the paper with his vows written on it.
Jack looked Alex right in the eyes, watching the way Alex's eyes were more vast than any galaxy, more deep than any ocean. Beautiful. 

"Alexander, my Lexy...My beautiful, perfect Lex.

I spent three years chasing you, seeing your smile, your laugh. Making jokes with you, asking you out on dates relentlessly while you smirked at me and sarcastically turned me down, yet you stuck around, keeping me around anyway. You were just stubborn." He smirked, Alex blushed with a smile.
"It was because I was meant to stay around. People asked me why I didn't just give it up and date anyone else. I didn't want anyone else. It's been you all along, it's always been you. It's going to be you forever.
We had a rocky start, and honestly, a scary start...Yet, I needed you just as much as you needed me.
Like gravity held us together, refusing to let us go. Like I was an incomplete puzzle piece without you, and once I held you in my arms, my puzzle was complete. You were my missing half.
I cannot begin to explain how much you mean to me. To do that, to even attempt to, would take a lifetime, and I plan to tell you every single day.
Alex, you gave me the little girl who calls me dada. She is my entire world. You did that for me. 
God...Alexander, you are the smile on my face. You are my comfort. You are my safety. You are the brightness in my life, because my god Alex, you can light up an entire room without even realizing it. 
You are who I look forward to seeing the most at the end of the day, and who I need to wake up to first thing in the morning. Morning breath kisses, insane hair and all. 
You are the breath in my lungs, the beating in my heart, and the skip to my step. 
You are my forever. 
I'll never go anywhere without you. I wouldn't dare.
I am so in love with you Alexander. Always know that." 
He smiled at the tears streaking Alex's cheeks.
He handed Zack the paper, cupped Alex's face gently in his hands and wiped Alex's tears with his thumbs.

Joe smiled at the two, wiping his own tears.
"Alex, your turn."
Alex nodded, took a deep breath and took his own paper from Rian.

"Jack...My Jack. My love.

You are the love of my life. I haven't had much experience in the love department, but I don't need it. I have it right here. Everything I've ever wanted, and everything I'll never need.
So much of me almost regrets not letting your incessant nagging, somewhat obnoxious, gorgeous self to take me out when you first asked.
I'm glad I didn't though. Even when Rian kept telling me what I already knew. How much I liked you and did want to be with you. My nerves got to me.
Until one day, they didn't.
Rian told me to just go for it.
You asked me out one last time, and I said yes.
I swear the look on your face was just...Wow. Magical.
I think I laughed, I may have even been a little sarcastic with you over it, but inside I was the happiest I'd been in a while.
Our first date was interesting in the best ways.
All of the dates following were just as interesting. Scary sometimes, terrifying.
You didn't give up on me, though. You never did.
You saw more in me than I'll ever be able to see in myself, Jack.
You saved me when I was drowning.
You are the anchor that holds me down, not letting me drift away.
You never left me, even when I swore that you would.
You came to see me when I was alone in that place, getting the help that I so desperately needed.
You stayed with me every moment after that.
You fought to stay with me, and it's because you needed me just as much as I needed you.
You never left me behind.
For all of that, I will be eternally grateful, but more than anything...
You showed me love when I didn't know how to love much of anything.
You showed me how to love, how to be someone other than the empty shell with dark thoughts that I was. That I still am sometimes.
You show me all of the reasons I should love myself.
You don't stare at the scars that litter my body, as if I'm a used up, sad, empty person.
You stare at them and you tell me that you see stories and memories...A map.
You trace them and it makes my skin tingle.
It makes me realize how much you do love me. It tells me that you meant every word you said all along.

Jack, for the rest of my life, I swear to you that I will love you, and I will always do my best to love myself for you. I will never leave you, in any way, shape or form. The maps on my skin all lead me to you and the love we have now, the reason that we're standing up here today, right now in this moment.
You are the sunshine to my eclipse.
You are the sunrise to my sunset.
You are the entire world to me, Jack. 
I will never let you go.
I will never go anywhere without you by my side.
You are my safety, my favorite place. You're the sunshine peeking out from the storm clouds, warming my heart. 
We have forever, my love. 
Let's start today." 

Alex handed Rian the paper and held Jack's hands again.
Jack smiled, not bothering to wipe his tears.
"I love you so much." He whispered to Alex.
"I love you too." Alex responded, his eyes never leaving Jack's. 

Joe let the audience get their sniffles out for a moment.
"Rings, please." He told Rian and Zack.
Rian handed Alex his ring for Jack. Zack handed Jack his ring for Alex.
"Jack, repeat after me."

Jack and Alex looked at Joe, then back at each other.
"I, Jack, take you Alexander to be my wedded husband" Joe started.
"I, Jack, take you Alexander to be my wedded husband" Jack repeated, his voice shaky, ready to break down any minute. This was really happening.
"To have and to hold from this day forward" Joe said quietly.
"To have and to hold from this day forward" Jack whispered to Alex.
"For better or for worse"
Jack sniffled a tiny bit, "For better or for worse"
"For richer, for poorer"
"For richer, for poorer" Jack smiled at Alex, who smiled right back at him.
"In sickness and in health"
Jack took a shaky deep breath, "In sickness and in health"
"To love and to cherish forever and for all eternity." Joe smiled at that one, Alex and Jack changed that one on purpose.
"To love and to cherish forever and for all eternity." Jack smiled at Alex again, who once again had tears streaking his cheeks.
"The ring, Jack." Joe said with a small smile.
Jack took Alex's left hand and slipped the rose gold band on Alex's finger, smiling down at it. Alex was his.

"Alex, it's your turn."
Alex nodded.

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