We Can Make Forever

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(Song- Cinderblock Garden - All Time Low. Yes I'm breaking the fourth wall again here.)

(Smutty. Fair warning. Alex is a horny little bitch again. Not sorry.)

(October 27th - Elise's first birthday)

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Elise, happy birthday to you" Everyone sang as Alex sat her smash cake in front of her on the high chair. The real cake for everyone else to eat was sat on the table.
Elise screamed and dug her hands in the cake, rubbing it all over herself, eating some of it as she went.
They all took pictures of course and laughed as she made a mess.
After that was done and she'd been cleaned up, they did presents.
Elise got a bunch of toys, clothes, shoes and a tricycle with a handle on it so they could push her around in it until she was older and could be taught how to use the pedals.

Jack picked her up and snuggled her, "Dada dada dada!" She grinned happily at him, making Katie who was on zoom for the birthday party squeal all excitedly.
Alex laughed at Katie, then took Elise and brought her up to the camera so Katie could see her.
Elise reached for the laptop but Alex held her back.
Elise babbled at Katie, giggling and making all sorts of noises. 
Katie laughed, "Happy birthday sweet girl! Your present should be there in a couple of days, and look!" She held Liam, her baby brother, up to the camera. Liam, who was older than Elise smiled at the baby and waved hi at her, laughing when Elise waved back at him.

(October 29th)

Katie's present came for Elise, it was some clothes, a couple of toys and a whole hoard of books.
Alex and Jack thanked her profusely for how sweet she was and always had been to them and Elise.

(October 31st - Halloween)

Alex, Jack and Elise had matching costumes. Alex was Peter Pan, Jack was the raccoon lost boy, and Elise was Tinkerbell. When they'd entered the Halloween store, Alex was set on some sort of matching costumes, and when they found the Disney section, he pretty much didn't leave it until he'd found the perfect costumes. These were it. Jack just went along with it because it made Alex so happy, plus he loved Halloween. Honestly, if it made Alex happy, he'd do just about anything.
They didn't go trick or treating since she's so little, but they did take a lot of pictures and Rian and Zack came over for a little Halloween party, fully decorated. Rian was dared to dress as a female cop by Jack and Zack, so he did. Zack had a dare as well, though. He had to come dressed up in a penguin costume.
See, the entire thing was that if Rian could down an entire pizza, he didn't have to wear the costume. Rian couldn't down the entire pizza.
So Alex and Jack dared Zack to eat an entire family size bag of candy corn. He couldn't do it. So he had to wear the costume.
Elise loved crawling around and playing with the halloween decorations that were on the floor. They'd put fake spiders, skeletons and fake bats down for her. She was drawn to the bats especially. 
Jack, Alex, Zack and Rian took to throwing candy at each other, Rian and Zack in front of the dining room table, Alex and Jack in the living room facing the dining room.
"HEY! No hiding behind the table you pussies!" Alex yelled when they ducked behind the table.
"Not our fault you don't have anything to hide behind!" Zack called as he chucked mini candy bars at Alex and Jack.
"At least we don't cheat you fuckers" Jack yelled back, nailing Rian in the head with a pack of M&Ms.

After their candy war, the floor was literally covered in Halloween candy, Elise was picking it up and throwing it around more, since she'd seen them throw it. She had no idea what candy was, so all she knew to do was just copy her dads and her uncles.
She did however get grumpy around 9 pm, so Alex picked her up and got her bottle of milk. She'd been practicing with a soft spout sippy cup, but she was still pretty attached to the bottle at bedtime.
"Say goodnight to uncle Zack and uncle RiRi." Alex smiled at her, laughing when she waved bye bye at them.
She looked at Jack, "Dada" She reached for him.
"You want me to come too?" Jack asked, his heart sinking and melting at how sweet that was. He never once thought that the baby he was at first intimidated by would be calling him dada after 9 months. He didn't hate it though, he actually welcomed it and loved it. He thought Alex would correct her when she'd said it the first time, saying that he was dada not Jack, but instead he smiled and loved when Elise called him "ah-dee" instead. He knew she meant daddy, and personally, he liked that better than dada anyway, plus it made him so happy that she saw Jack as a parental figure. He did take care of her a lot.

Rian and Zack came up and kissed her little cheeks.
"Night night baby." Rian smiled, while Zack kissed her little nose. 
Alex and Jack took her upstairs. 
Alex got her out of her costume and changed her diaper while Jack got her pajamas.
Alex smiled at how good of a team they were. That solidified the ideas he was having even more. Jack didn't know about these ideas yet, but he would soon if things kept going well.
Alex got her dressed, then sat down with Elise in the rocking chair and started rocking her, giving her bottle to her. She held it and stared at Alex.
Alex smiled at her while Jack leaned against the wall next to the chair, watching his boyfriend and his daughter. Hopefully he could say that Elise was his daughter one day too. He already felt like she was, he got attached to her really fast. 
"What song are we gonna sing today baby?" Alex asked, thinking about a song to sing.
He thought of one.

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