Figure It Out Boy, You're Trippin

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(Song- If You Do, If You Don't - Cartel)
(TW: Bipolar episode, panic attack, slight homophobia in one small bit)

Alex walked into his school with a piss poor attitude about today. First of all, Ellie had been ignoring his facetimes all night. Every night that Elise isn't with him, he facetimes her for five or so minutes to say goodnight. He didn't get to tonight and quite honestly, he wanted to cry. 
Thinking about it, he teared up a little and unlocked his phone, looking at a picture of her he took the day before yesterday when he dropped her off. At least it's Tuesday and he can pick her up after school and gets her all day tomorrow. 
Rian jogged up to him, "Hey man, you excited?" He smiled. Rian was always so supportive of literally everything. He loves being Uncle Ri the best. 
Alex laughed a little, "Yeah I'm stoked. Not about the fight I had with Ellie yesterday though. I swear to god I can't fucking stand her. She went for the usual low blows because she knows she has nothing on me. I saved all of her messages. I've been saving them. Eventually I am gonna have to do something. I have Elise most days of the week. I mean, I get her Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Ellie only has her for three days, and she doesn't even do anything with her. Her mom does everything. I'm sick of it. So my mom has me saving every message and argument regarding Elise. She told me yesterday that we were gonna figure something out. I'm really fucking mad though, because Ellie wouldn't answer my facetimes to say goodnight to Elise, and I swear to god. That shit broke me. I ALWAYS say goodnight to my daughter and the fact that her stupid, selfish dumb ass wouldn't let me pisses me the fuck off." He spit angrily as they walked to their lockers. Alex opened his, got what he needed then slammed it shut. He could feel himself getting too worked up. His heart was pounding. 
'Not now...Not now...' He thought to himself.
Rian sighed, "I don't know what the hell is gonna happen with her dude. It's ridiculous." He shook his head and finished up in his own locker, "I mean what would you do though if you had her all the time?" He questioned, looking at Alex who was staring at the ground, his hands shaking a little, breathing a bit too quickly.
"Hey, calm down dude. No panic attacks today." He said gently, rubbing Alex's back, he knew that's not how it works though.

Alex slid down the lockers and sat down, hands on his head which was now pounding, eyes squeezed shut. His heart rate picked up and his lungs felt like they were weighted down with lead. He couldn't see anymore. Who the fuck was he again? He was breathing way too fast and it hurt. He knew that much. How can he stop it? He was dizzy. He heard his name being called, but by who? They were distant. Where the fuck was he again? He didn't even know his own name. Everything was distant, his ears were ringing, he was trying to talk back, but nothing that actually made sense was coming out of his mouth. He heard himself making mostly mumbles, he didn't even know what he was trying to say. Then it was black.
He felt himself being shaken a bit, he opened his eyes to find himself being shaken by Rian and stared at by at least fifteen other students who happened to be walking by.
"My god is he okay?" Someone asked.
"Who cares?" Some asshole responded. Alex recognized that voice. The guy antagonizes him a lot because of his sexuality. 
It was Rian's voice he focused on, staring at Rian wide eyed.
Rian sat with him for about five minutes, giving him a chance to come back to reality, ignoring the people asking questions, the asshole who antagonizes Alex taking a picture, most likely so he can show his asshole friends who like to bug Alex too.
"You're okay, come on, get up and lets go." He said quietly, helping Alex up.
"I'm gonna throw up." Alex muttered and stumbled his way to the trash can, proceeding to throw up his breakfast. 
Rian was right behind him again, rubbing his back, "You're alright, come on." He walked Alex to the bathroom and got a bunch of paper towels wet. 
Alex took them and wiped his face and forehead, then put them on the back of his neck, gripping the sink for support. He still felt dizzy.
"How long was I out?" He asked, looking at Rian through the mirror.
"Only like a minute or two." Rian shrugged.
By now, this was routine for them. Alex has a panic disorder and manic depression. It's controlled well with a pill he takes twice daily, but the panic attacks are still frequent. They happen quite often. The depression part is okay for the most part, although he still has bad days. When they're bad though, they're awful. So Rian is around a lot, and Alex's mom knows how to handle it and help her son. His dad worked a lot, but he helps decently too on weekends when he is home. 
Alex shook his head and took a few deep breaths, eyes closed.
"I can't believe I just threw up." Alex muttered.
"Did you take your pill this morning?" Rian questioned. Alex shook his head, "I forgot. I was mad. I have them though. I brought them in case we go anywhere with Elise after school." He muttered, "In my bag." 
Rian got the bottle out and handed one of the pills to Alex.
Alex popped it in his mouth, then cupped his hand under the sink for some water and swallowed it down. "Thanks Ri." 
Rian nodded and gave his best friend a hug, "You got it. Let's get to class, yeah?" He offered Alex that Colgate smile.
Alex smiled back and nodded, walking with Rian to their English class.

"You're late." Mr. Green stated with his back turned to them as he wrote notes on the class.
"I'm sorry, I got sick and Rian helped me out." Alex muttered, taking his seat and watching Rian go to the opposite end of the room to take his own seat.
"More like captain rainbow freaked out and passed out." Some moron laughed, others joining in.
Alex turned red, put his arms on the table and hid his face.
"Alex, are you okay?" Mr. Green asked, looking at him now.
Alex sighed.
Rian spoke up for him, "He just had a panic attack. He's okay now." 
Alex looked up at Rian gratefully.
Mr. Green nodded, "Okay, if you need to go to the nurse just tell me." 
"I will. Thank you." Alex mumbled, then carried on with his class. His teachers knew about his panic attacks, it had to be in his student records in case they happened at school, particularly in the classroom and if they were bad enough that it didn't stop.

Lunch came around and of course, there was Jack.
"Hey, I heard something happened to you, people said you passed out. Are you okay?" He asked Alex, as he once again followed him down the buffet line.
Alex sighed, "Yes I'm fine. Yes I passed out. I had a panic attack." He mumbled, walking over to his and Rian's table.
Jack followed and sat down next to him, "A panic attack? Do you have those a lot?" He asked curiously.
Alex nodded, "Yep." He took a bite of his fries.
Rian just smirked and went back to looking at his phone.
"Well...Do you wanna go out with me tonight?" Jack asked, hoping that a change of subject might make Alex happy.
Alex did smile, "I can't tonight. I'm busy with my family. Tomorrow I can." He shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't lying at least. He was indeed busy with his family. His family being his daughter.
Jack smiled, "Okay! Can I pick you up after school at like...6?" He asked, excited.
Alex smiled again, he'd be dropping Elise back off at Ellie's before then so it worked well. "Yes you can." He shook his head and looked at Rian who was just silently trying to hold in his laughter. All the times that Alex turned Jack down, and now suddenly he's agreeing. He knew Alex would crack eventually, but it was funny seeing him do so, especially after all of Alex's tirades about how Jack's an asshole, and Jack hangs out with idiots, and how Jack makes stupid jokes, how he'd never go out with Jack but Jack is hot...So on and so forth.

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