I Just Wanna Be Deep In Your Love

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(Song- Sugar - Maroon 5)

(March 30th. Keeping up with daily since school starts in a week in this fic and I'm getting on the right track with Elise's age.)


They finished at the aquarium, earning a few looks from people. They wondered if maybe they'd been heard at some point despite how quiet they were trying to be.
They shrugged it off and went to go find the stupid paddle boats instead. Alex pouted when they were all rented out, "This sucks." He sat down on a bench. 
Jack smiled and sat next to him, "Honestly, it might be a good thing. Knowing us, we'd tip it over or we'd have to be rescued, but look, we can do the little cruise on the water thing, I mean we'd still be sitting on a boat, just we wouldn't be the idiots trying to sort it out." He shrugged.
Alex kept pouting but thought about it, "Fine." He muttered.
Jack stood up, took Alex's hand and pulled him up, taking him to the little place to buy two tickets for it. 
They waited next to the boarding area with some other people, a family with three kids and an elderly couple. Alex's heart sank a little. For whatever reason, he was anxious now, maybe it was how close they all were in the line. He squeezed Jack's hand and laid his head on his shoulder.
Jack let go and wrapped both arms around Alex, holding him close.
"What is it?" He whispered quietly. Alex shook his head, "I don't know." He whispered back.
Jack just held onto him, "Okay well you're okay. I got you. We'll make sure we sit apart from everyone else okay?" He glanced over his shoulder at the parents of the three kids giving them a look. The look. The one that showed two discomfort at a gay couple even daring to be around them and their innocent children. He just rolled his eyes at them and kissed the top of Alex's head, happy that Alex wasn't looking at them. The caramel haired boy had been doing so much better, but still, anxiety doesn't just go away with the help of two pills twice a day. 

Jack held Alex's hand again when they got on, Alex choosing a spot right at the front of the boat where there were only two seats, an okay distance away from the other people.
Alex sucked in a deep breath and rested his head on Jack's shoulder.
"I like being on the water." He said quietly.
Jack held onto Alex's hand and rested his head on top of Alex's, "I like it too. It's relaxing." He watched everything around them as the boat did their little tour of the bay. It was chilly as the wind hit them lightly, but it felt nice. 
"I can't believe Elise just turned six months old. I feel like I've been so distant from her, but I keep doing the math, and from October 27th to now, March 30th...She's officially six months old. I mean, I've been right there, but I haven't been...You know? You've seen more of her milestones than I have." Alex chewed on his bottom lip, just staring at the water.
Jack kissed the top of Alex's head, "You were there, she knows you were. You held her and you loved on her every moment that it was safe for you to. You saw her sit up for the first time. You saw her smile every time you walked into the room. You saw her take her first bite of solid food. You even fed her the sweet potatoes. I know you remember that." He rubbed Alex's hand.
Alex sighed, "I know...I just also feel so distant at the same time. I mean I know I was there, I know I played with her and interacted with her, but on that same token, at first I could see the patterns on her clothes moving even when they really weren't, I wasn't allowed to just be alone in the house, just me with her...Then I get so lost in these depressed episodes that I just don't even want to bother with anything, so I'm just faking it with her. It's not right. I just need this shit to work the way it's supposed to, and I'm happy that it started working in these first few weeks, but I don't want to wait the six more weeks it's supposed to take before I see the full effects. I just wanna feel right again. At least as right as I felt last year. Maybe even more." He looked up at Jack.
Jack pressed a kiss to his lips, "You'll feel better soon, Lexi. It takes time. Nothing just comes magically, and I know you know that. You're a good dad, babe. Watch. When we're with Elise tonight, you'll see just how much she loves you and just how much she knows how much you love her. I promise." He kissed Alex's forehead.

Alex just sat there quietly, watching the water before the boat stopped at a nice spot for a nice view of the city from the water. Alex smiled and got his phone out, "Take some pictures with me." He stood up and got in a good spot where the pictures would come out nice. Jack stood behind him, took his phone from him, "I'm taller, I'll get better pictures." He smirked.
Alex just smiled. The two began taking really cute pictures with each other, ones of them kissing, smiling, some of the water, silly ones and some cute ones of them just hugging.
When the boat ride ended, they got off with Alex feeling happy again, no anxiety at all.
They got back into Jack's car, since Alex still wasn't allowed to drive and headed for the Starbucks.

Alex's phone vibrated.

Rian: Hey buddy :)

Alex: Hi :)

Rian: Whatcha up to?

Alex: Just went on a fun date with Jack. I'll leave out the details but I'll warn you that if you go to the aquarium, you might not want to touch the counter next to the sink. Also, if you hear anything about two boys doing uh...Something behind the mall, don't worry about that either.

Rian: ........Good lord. Okay. So besides being disgusting and fucking in public, what did you do?

Alex: Ate pizza at the mall, then went to the aquarium of course where YES we did actually see the fish. We didn't go there to just fuck. Then we took that boat tour around the bay thing. It was cute. We got cute pictures.

Rian: Oh so you did go on an actual date, good! Much better than the first or second!

Alex: Hey, the first was because we were horny as hell. Second, I saw a fucking picture moving and staring back at me, and then had a deep conversation about it in the mall, then we bought shoes. So I mean, the second wasn't awful???? Just....Weird. So yes. This was an actual fun, no issues at all date. So much better I guess.

Rian: Oh good. Aubree says hi.

Alex: Hi Aubs.

Rian: I'm spending the rest of spring break with her, so I'll see you at school Monday right?

Alex: Yep. I'll be there. Terrified but I'll be there.

Rian: Cool. We'll be around, so don't worry. It'll be okay. 

Alex: Can't really help but be worried. 

Rian: I know. Deep breaths. Finish out spring break with some fun. We got this.

Alex: Alright love you have fun.

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