Roll Right Over, We Belong Together

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(Song- Roll Right Over - Eye Alaska)

(This chapter is dedicated purely to cizzyxo )

Alex stood in front of his closet groaning.
"What love?" Jack asked, sitting on Alex's bed against the pillows, feet up and scrolling his phone, laughing at stupid videos on his Facebook. He'd already gotten dressed in the clothes he'd stashed in Alex's closet long ago when he practically lived here to take care of Alex and didn't have much time to go home, he was simple with it. Black jeans, his go to. Black long sleeve shirt, maroon hoodie under a black leather jacket and a pair of really distressed boots, and it didn't take him long to get his hair done.
He glanced at Alex who was just staring into his closet, "Babe you gotta get dressed eventually. I mean you've been standing there for half an hour. You look good in literally everything you wear, honestly." He sighed a little. Sometimes Alex was such a girl. Not that he was complaining about that, he loved feminine Alex. It turned him on. He was however complaining about the part that he couldn't ever decide what to wear. 
Alex turned around, standing in only black and red patterned Ethika underwear which were so tight on him that Jack didn't even want Alex to get dressed at this point.
"It's not that easy! I mean look. I've gotta pick out pants. Girls or guys? Girls are tighter and sit more low on my hips like I like...But then like. The guys ones are good too. I have both that are acid washed and distressed and that's what I want but I've been getting fatter and I don't know which would look better," He huffed and Jack got ready for a rant, "Plus then a shirt, hoodie AND jacket to look good with it? I just...Ugh. Jack I got so fucking fat with these stupid pills and now I look so bad." He whined.

Jack put his phone in his jacket pocket, got up and stood behind Alex, wrapping his arms around his insecure boy's waist, leaning down so his face was against Alex's neck, breathing against it as he pressed soft kisses just under his ear, his eyes on the full length mirror that stood in front of them, enjoying seeing Alex's face and body in the reflection .
"You are perfect" He whispered, causing goosebumps to shoot down Alex's entire body, making him shudder just a tiny bit.
Jack moved one hand up Alex's side, "Your hips, and the way your sides dip in a little, giving you a little curve...It turns me on so much," He ran his index finger from Alex's chest to his belly button, then down to the waistband of his underwear, "And this? Your stomach...It's perfect. Skinny, but not too skinny, toned but not too muscular...Lean and perfect," He moved his hand in between them, his hand meeting Alex's ass and giving it a little squeeze, "And this...This is my favorite part of all...It's round, toned, not too big, not too small, just perfect...And this part?" He moved his hand back around, resting his hand on Alex's dick, palming him through his underwear just the tiniest bit, causing Alex to let out a tiny moan, leaning his head back against Jack's shoulder while Jack kept breathing down his neck with those sweet whispers, "This is so good...So delicious...So sexy..." He moved his hand up to Alex's chest, moving his finger along his collarbone, Alex's soft spot, earning him another little moan, Jack getting a little turned on just at the sight of Alex moaning, looking at Alex's hard on in his underwear, "Your jawline...Perfect...Your nose...perfect...Your eyes, beautiful, even more beautiful than the stars in the sky...Your lips...Mm..." His index finger ran softly across Alex's bottom lip, "I could kiss your lips forever, tasting you and loving you...So don't you ever talk down to yourself...You are flawless to me." He turned Alex around to face him, pressed his lips against Alex's, pulling Alex so their bodies were pressed against each other as much as they could be. Jack backed them up so Alex's back was against the mirror.
Alex moaned into Jack's mouth, jumping up so his legs were around Jack's waist, Jack holding him up by his thighs.
Jack kissed down his neck, to his collarbone, then pulled back after a minute. 
"Get dressed." He smirked, putting Alex down.
Alex glared at him, "Oh not fair. Not fair at all." He whined.

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