Gold Rush

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(Song- Gold Rush - Ed Sheeran)
(No TW! Just cute and some smut :) )

(December 14th 2015)

"Happy birthday, love." Jack said as he kissed Alex's lips with a smile, waking Alex up.
Alex smiled sleepily and wrapped his arms around Jack, pulling him down, "Kiss me again, morning breath and all." He mumbled, his sleepy voice quiet and cute.
Jack leaned in and kissed him again, and again, then again.
Alex pulled back and faced away from Jack so he wouldn't be blowing morning breath in his face while he yawned. He reached over to his table and got his pills. He popped his two in his mouth and swallowed them down with the water on his nightstand. He'd been trusted to take his pills on his own now, so he did and he did it happily. They worked. He needed them. He enjoyed them.
"You ready for today?" Jack asked, on his side, head propped up on his hand. He rubbed circles along Alex's bare chest.
Alex glanced at Jack's finger, glancing at the scars on his stomach from what happened what seemed like forever ago. He lived through that. He was grateful for it.
"I am." He answered with a small smile. 
"Then lets go eat first then come up here and get dressed." Jack sat up.
Alex shook his head, "I wanna shower with you first." He smirked. He was gonna get birthday sex in hopefully more than once today.
Jack shook his head and laughed, "You're ridiculous. Fine." He got up and went to the bathroom. He started the water then brushed his teeth. Alex grinned at the fact that he won, got up and followed suit. He stripped and looked at Jack. He was already hard.
Jack glanced down, eyes widening a little. He quickly rinsed his mouth out then stripped.
"Fuck." He stripped himself, watching as Alex made a whole little flirty scene while he got in the shower. He leaned back under the water and did that whole sexy shower thing where the water just cascades over. He was really hamming it up.

Jack smirked and got in. He stood in front of him, grabbed him by the hips and pulled him close. His lips crashed against Alex's, without waiting for permission, his hands went down to Alex's ass as he threw him roughly against the wall, his tongue dominating Alex's, leaving Alex gripping at his skin wherever he could, reacting wildly to Jack, moaning as Jack took his body over. It was his. Jack could have it. Fuck it.
"Mmm do it now" Alex begged, turning his head from Jack so he could speak. 
Jack smirked, "Dirty little bitch." 
Alex nodded, "For you daddy" He moaned out as Jack stuck a finger in him without warning.
"I love that." Jack turned Alex around so he was pressed against Alex's ass. "Bend." 
Alex put his hands on the shower wall, letting out another loud moan while Jack stuck his finger back in, then followed with a second. He stretched Alex, scissoring his fingers, curling around his prostate that had him moaning like a pornstar. "More" Alex begged.
"It's your birthday babyboy." Jack put another finger in and started to finger him roughly, his fingers moving in and out roughly, causing Alex to arch his back and lean his ass closer, trying to get Jack's fingers as deep as possible. "Fuck meee...." He whimpered, "Please...Fuck" He moaned.
Without warning, and without going slow, Jack crashed his hips against Alex's. 
Alex let out a scream, "YESSSS JACK" He moaned loudly, trying to keep his grip on the wall as Jack just pounded into him.
"Harder daddy" Alex moaned, shoving his ass back as far as he could. 
"Greedy." Jack huffed out before gripping Alex's hips tighter and slamming into him as hard as he could, shoving Alex's head against the shower wall hard. Alex loved it.
He screamed again, "JACK FUCK, MORE" He begged, his voice desperate as more moans that could rival the best pornstar's escaped his sweet lips. His cheek pressed against the wall as Jack just slammed into him. Jack came inside of him with a loud orgasm. He didn't even know he was that close to his climax, so that was a surprise for him too.
He thrusted sloppily just a bit more until he pulled out. 
"Turn around."

Alex turned around, grinning, his ass hurting so fucking bad in the best way.
Jack got down on his knees, took Alex's cock in his mouth, working sheer magic as he sucked his lover off.
Alex tilted his head back, his hand on the back of Jack's head, pushing it down while he thrusted fast. Jack's slight gagging turned him on even more.
"Mmmm fuck...Jack....Your mouth feels so fuckin good..." He moaned out.
Jack pulled off, "I have an idea." He bit his lip.
Alex raised an eyebrow, wondering why his magical blowjob stopped.
"What?" He asked.
Jack smirked, "Do you wanna top?" 
Alex's eyes went wide. He shut the shower off and practically dragged Jack out of it.
He slammed Jack down on the bed, "Face down, ass up." He demanded.
Jack laughed and did exactly as he was told.
Alex reached into his drawer and got the bottle of lube out. He coated his fingers in it, then stuck  finger in. Jack let out a loud moan. He'd only bottomed one time. He forgot what it was like, but he knew there was a reason he didn't do it again. He liked to be in charge in bed.
Alex stuck another finger in and scissored, loving feeling Jack like this. He never had. He's only ever bottomed. Not once has he topped. This was new territory and he loved it.
Jack's moans were sending him over the edge.

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