I Never Want To Leave

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(Song- Sunday Morning - Maroon 5)

(April 3rd, two days before Spring Break ends.)

Jack had basically drowned himself in cold medicine, tea and soup that Alex was forcing down his throat, so he was feeling a bit better today. Not completely one hundred, but much better than yesterday and the night before. He could speak, though his voice was still a bit hoarse. Alex spent the evening taking care of Elise downstairs while Jack got some sleep. They'd talked about Spring Break ending as well. Jack said he'd switch off nights here. Some nights he'd stay home, other nights he'd sleep here and he promised to spend weekends here, so probably Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday he'd stay with Alex. The thought of Jack not being in his bed every night honestly scared the shit out of him, especially since Elise was in her own room now. The crib had been delivered, and all Alex had to do was put it together, then she'd officially be out of her little bassinet that she was quickly outgrowing and in a real crib, in a real room that was going to be her nursery soon. Alex didn't like being alone. It scared him more than anything else in the world. Alone is not a good place for Alex to be. Two more days.

Alex was up before Isobel went to work, feeding Elise her breakfast bottle and getting her dressed for daycare. He kissed her cheeks and smiled at her, laughing as he held her up to his face and she smacked it with both of her hands, squealing out excitedly.
"Hey! You're not supposed to hit daddy you little turd." He pulled her tummy close to his mouth and blew raspberries on it, making her squirm and kick her legs with that cute baby laugh.
He hugged her close and smiled at her, "I'm gonna see you after daycare okay? I love you so so so much. I'm gonna be here when Grammy brings you home and we're gonna play and maybe we can go to the backyard if it's warm enough still and we'll play in the grass. Maybe you'll learn how to stay on all fours to crawl. Would that be fun?" He cooed at her with a big grin on his face. Elise squealed at him and wiggled around in his arms, babbling at him, and what came out after a moment was "a-da!" With another "dada!" 
Alex's heart sped up and his eyes went wide. He knew that this wasn't exactly a word she meant to say, because she wasn't totally there yet developmentally, but this did mean that she was associating words with who she was in front of, and she did respond to her own name, could look at Isobel when the word Grammy was said, Jack when Jack was said, and Papa when Peter was said. So this was a pretty fucking big thing for Alex.
"Oh my god! You said dada! Elise you said dada!" He teared up with the biggest smile on his face, not caring when the tears spilled down his cheeks. He looked excitedly at Isobel, "Mom she said dada! She said dada!" He swore he could jump around like a madman with how excited he was.
Isobel giggled a little, "Yes! She knows who you are, you are her dada. She's learning how to recognize us by name, and dada is the easiest word for her to say, and the most important person to her on top of that. Of course she said dada first. I wouldn't expect anything different." She smiled proudly, happy that Alex was so happy. He deserved this after everything.

Alex hugged Elise close again, "Don't forget the word dada at daycare okay? I want you to come home and call me dada a million times over." He grinned at her and strapped her into her carseat, still happy crying when Isobel took her to the car, got her in and went off to work. 
As soon as they were gone, Alex ran upstairs and jumped on Jack, making him jump as he woke up.
"Holy shit Alex what?" He asked, startled.
"ELISE SAID DADA!!!" Alex shouted, bouncing on Jack's lap.
Jack grinned at him, "Seriously?! Alex!" He sat up and hugged his boy, giving him a kiss, "That's so good! She called you Dada!" He truly was so so happy for Alex. This was something he totally needed. Things had been better for him, but this was just the icing on the cake. 
Alex literally could not stop bouncing on Jack, "I know! It was the best! Oh god I hope she says it again when she comes home! I swear Jack, I could cry! I did cry a little downstairs! She looked right at me and called me Dada! Right at me! OH MY GOD!"
Jack's eyes went wide, "What?" He asked Alex.
"I HAVE TO TELL RIAN AND ZACK!!!" He got off Jack's lap, grabbed his phone and opened their group chat again.


Rian: Well good morning to you, you're so kind.

Zack: Lol what?


Rian: WHAT?! Oh my god Alex! That's awesome!

Zack: Dude! That's amazing! Happy for you man.


Rian: That's so cool! 

Alex: Yeah! Let's hang out today when my mom brings her home! I said we could play outside but if Jacky boy is up to it, we could go get ice cream or something and then take Elise to the park!

Zack: I'm down, I don't have any plans for today and Jacky boy could use some fresh air, it would make him feel better.

Rian: Sounds good to me, Aubree is busy with her mom and sister tonight so we can do that. Ask Jack even though he's in this GC.

Jack: I'm right here just lurking lol. Yeah that sounds fun. I think I'm okay to do that. Throat just hurts but ice cream will help, and Alex is force feeding me cold meds and tea and soup. So. I'll probably be better by tomorrow with the way Dr. Lexy is taking care of me.

Alex: Awwww. Dr. Lexy.

Rian: *gag*

Zack: Oh stop Ri, they're cute.

Alex: Obviously we are.

Jack: Duhhhh. Rian you're just jealous.

Rian: Of what exactly?

Zack: This is either gonna be funny or disgusting or both.

Jack: Jealous that me and Lexy are so cute together duh.

Rian: Oh yeah that's it. As if I'm not seriously the luckiest guy ever with her? 

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