♠️ The New Clone ♠️

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"I guess we get a new clone today. I heard that they are special," Kix said.

"Mmm sure just another clone with a cadet show defect like Tup," Jesse groaned.

"I'm fine, Jesse. This clone better be good," Tup replied.

The clone stepped out. He was an ARC by the look of it. He was wearing blue armor and had twin blasters. On his helmet there was a blue spade. He also had a small device at his hip near one of his blaster holsters.

General Skywalker spoke first. "This is ARC trooper Spader."

Spader looked at everyone, and detached something from his belt. He held it, and it ignited. A blue lightsaber.

"Spader is the first and only force sensitive clone. He will be working with us."

Spader walked to the group, and he put his saber back on his belt. He looked back at the Jedi, and he encouraged the ARC to go over to his brothers.

"Sorry, guys, I haven't seen my brothers in awhile," Spader admitted. "Jedi business, of course."

"How do we know you aren't a clone or Jedi faker?" Echo asked.

"Well, I look like you," he said taking off his helmet, revealing a big scar going from his forehead to his nose.
"And I can also do this," he added, picking up Echo using the Force.

"Why are you called Spader?" Fives asked.

"I always win at cards."

"Like Nacho Chip Cards? Those things are amazing," Hardcase drooled. Spader looked at Hardcase like he was crazy.

"Um, no, normal cards, like the cards that sane people use."

"So have you played Cupcake Battleship?"

"Um, what?"

"Battleship with cupcakes."

"You don't want to play that game," Rex said out of nowhere.

"You all are strange," Spader said, walking away to Anakin and Ahsoka.

"Force-sensitive clone? We have a Jedi brother," Kix said.

"That's so cool, using the force," Echo added.

"Yeah. But why not me?" Fives said.

"You would do dumb stuff if you had the force," Tup replied.

"Mmm sure, Cupcake battleships in air sounds fun," Fives snarled.

"My point exactly."

Fives walked away to his quarters. Luckily for him, Spader was in the ARC quarters with him, Echo, and Jesse.

"Shouldn't Jedi sleep in their own quarters?" Fives asked.

"Well, number one, I am not a Jedi yet, number two, I am an ARC, so I still share rooms, and number three, I am a clone," Spader grumbled.

"Of course. I keep forgetting that you are my brother," Fives replied.

"Mmm sure," Spader muttered.

"Can you levitate these cupcakes? It makes battleship more fun."

"Um, no? Why are you asking me that?"

"Because you are a Jedi."

"I am not a Jedi. I am a clone. Just like you. Now, let me sleep."

"Ok, sorry, grumpy pants."


Fives walked out of the room. He looked around, and saw General Skywalker.

"Have you seen Echo, Fives?" the General asked.

"Echo is in the mess hall, sir."

"Ok. Go sleep, Fives. It's getting late."

"It is only 2 AM though..."

"It's late for everyone else, Fives. Plus, you destroyed the kitchen last night."

"Oh, yeah, my bad."

"Get sleep, Fives. That is an order."

"Sir yes sir," Fives groaned, and walked into his room. Spader and Jesse were asleep, and Fives went on his bunk. He sighed and dozed off to sleep, dreaming about his life if he was a Jedi.

Spader is one of my OCs. I will include some more, but I am currently rough-drafting one that I may write a book over. (A different book ofc.) I will introduce a new OC (a few actually) in this book soon also.

Emoji of the day: 🧁
- CaptainTwig -

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