First Brother

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"We have all of these new recruits, who else do we need?" Krell asked Ventress.

"I didn't make you First Brother for a reason," Ventress laughed.

They waited on the dock and saw what looked like a Mandalorian ship landed. The two inquisitors walked forward and the door opened. Two dathomirans came out, and Ventress smiled.

"Hello, boys," she cooed.

Maul and Savage walked down and smiled.

"Grand Inquisitor," they bowed.

"First Brother Maul and Third Brother Savage, meet Second Brother Krell," Ventress told them.

"Hello, Second Brother. Do you have the others ready?" Maul asked.

"Yes. Follow me," Ventress answered. The three inquisitors followed her and went into a room with seventeen people. Seven men, ten women. Droit was among them.

"Hello, everyone," Ventress bellowed.

"Hello, Grand Inquisitor," they all replied.

"We are all here today, and I want to show you something," she said while taking an inquisitor's saber from her nearby table.

"Come here, First Sister," Ventress said. A Togrutan woman stood up and took the blade. She ignited both sides, and swung the blade around.

"This is the new inquisitor blade. Easier to operate, spins nicely, and the best part is that it can help you fly," Ventress explained.

"So, we ditch our old sabers and use this one instead?" Droit asked.

"Only if you have bad technique, Seventh Brother. We want you all to be good yet disposable warriors," she replied.

"Of course, Grand Inquisitor," Droit bowed. He didn't like the wording she said it in, but the clones, droids, and even civilians were all disposable. Thrown in the war, Sith vs. Jedi. Separatists vs. Republic. Evil vs. Good. But was there really a good side? Or was this war preventable? Could the Republic just let the Separatists be in peace and them have a bond but not be connected? Droit thinks of these things often. The Jedi and the Sith were evil. The Jedi took his squad while the Sith took him. But of course, his part in this war would be bigger. More appreciated, perhaps.

Ventress kept raving and Droit faded out of the conversation. Soon, she ordered them out and they all left in ranked order. They marched to a hall and there was a man on a throne. He stood up and looked to his right, where a girl stood up. They walked down and Ventress bowed.

"Lord Sideous. I am glad to introduce the end of the Republic. The rule of the Separatists will be forever," Ventress told him.

"Good. Traya and I will be ecstatic for that moment. And you all will be rewarded handsomely," Sideous replied.

He looked at the inquisitors, and stopped at Maul.

"After all of these years, you are still alive?"

"Yes, Master. I may not be a Sith any longer but I am still in your service," Mail bowed. Sideous nodded and moved on.

"We will rise. WE WILL DESTROY THE JEDI AND REPUBLIC!" Sideous bellowed. Everyone clapped. The end is near for one side. The question: Which one?

A/N: The end is near, and I may get this done by the end of the year! A possible sequel set with Rebels characters could happen in future times too!
Emoji of the Day: 💂‍♀️

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