Order V

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The photo above is how I picture the squad. Sorry it's sideways!

The shuttle to Kamino landed, and all of them went out. They had brought a few clones with them, which were Rex, Cody, Echo, and Fives. Master Windu greeted Master Ti, and they were escorted to a meeting area.

"So, what is the reason for this visit?" Master Ti asked.

"Master Shaak Ti, it is an honor. My name is Alia Tano, and these four and I are Grey Jedi. We think we have proof of a possible Double Agent case that has to deal with clones and an inhibitor chip. We want to make sure that the safety of others is well, and that the clones don't hurt anyone," Alia stated.

"Of course, Padawan Tano, we will look into this case further," Master Ti replied. Alia flinched at that title, especially since she specified that she was a Grey Jedi.

"This is Nala Se, a lead engineer of the clones here in Kamino. She will be happy to answer any questions," Shaak continued.

"I will answer the questions to the best of my knowledge," the Kaminoan said calmly.

"I know I am no longer a Jedi, but we Grey Jedi make sure the war doesn't effect the ones that we love. We accidentally intercepted a transmission about a clone inhibitor chip deal and we want to know more," Alia said.

"Of course, Miss Tano. We use inhibitor chips to make sure the clones don't inherit Jango Fett's personality," Nala Se replied.

"Well, we also heard something about an Order 66. What is that?"

"Well- um, we have certain commands, like Order 66, that make the clones do commands if necessary, to make it easier for you," Nala Se said while sweating. Something was off.

"Hmm... interesting..." Master Ti stated. "I was never informed of such chip. Do you have anything else to ask, Alia?"

"What is Order 66?"

Nala Se flinched. She knew she was screwed. "It is um... it is..."

"What is it?" Alia said while putting her hand over her saber.

"It is an Order to execute rogue Jedi. Some Jedi approved of this order," Nala Se confessed.

"So, if you told the clones that all the Jedi were evil, then they would just... execute them?"

"Yes. But only used in important and worse case scenario circumstances, of course."

"I see. But one chip can't both execute orders and change personalities, can it?"

"That is a good assumption, Alia. But, we would have to investigate this further. If necessary, remove the chips from all clones. We should try that first."

"NO!" Nala Se yelled. "It- is not necessary. It is harmless."

"With your reaction taken, we will look deeper into the case. Thank you, Padawan Tano," Master Ti said.

"Of course, Master Ti," Alia said. She turned away and walked back to see the others.

"So?" Ahsoka asked.

"The inhibitor chip has Order 66 on it. It is to assassinate Rogue Jedi."

"Ok, so then harmless then. We must have overreacted," Master Windu said.

"No, Master. What if the commander of the chip claims that all Jedi are rouge? I am surprised that the clones aren't executing me now. I am rogue, am I not?"

"Yes, you are. But you were also left behind. That isn't your fault, Rogue."

Master Ti came out of the meeting room.

"Nala Se cannot be trusted. I have her on security and she will not get access to the clones, or a transmitter," Master Ti concluded.

"So, are we removing these chips then?" Fives said.

"I guess so," Echo replied. "This will hurt."

"Stop wimping, boys. I will go first," Cody said.

"We will make sure the Republic is safe," Rex said.

"Then my squad and I will leave here and make sure the Separatists are fine," Alia said.

"You will just leave us?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yes, we have stuff to do Ahsoka. Mundi abandoned me. What business do I have with the Jedi?"

"An apology, by the Jedi. Or maybe, a treaty."

Alia looked up, and smiled. "I know that won't happen, but that would be amazing, Ahsoka."

"Ok boys, we will see if reviving inhibitor chips is safe now. Who volunteers?" Anakin asks.

"I do, sir," Cody said before the others could protest.

"Ok, Cody, you are first then, good luck," Anakin said.

"Can I speak with General Kenobi first?" Cody asked.

"Of course."

"General Kenobi?" Cody asked.

"What is it, Cody?"

"If I don't make it, I hope you find a better Commander," Cody said quietly.

"We need to talk about self-love, Cody." Kenobi asked.

Cody went back to get his chip removed. About five minutes later, he came out. He looked the same except he had a bacta pack on his right temple.

"It's safe, I guess, boys," Cody said.

"I go next! Sounds fun!" Fives yelled, running into the room.

"Awe darn I wanted to go, Fives," Echo said.

"Don't worry, Echo, you will get your turn. Everyone will get a turn. Now, Fives is done. Go and get that nasty thing removed," Rex said.

"Yes sir!" Echo said while running into the room.

Rex sighed and got his removed when Echo came out. Within a few minutes, clones were ushered to get their chips removed. Every removal may mean lives saved. Alia sighed. Her efforts had worked. The clones were free, and the Jedi were safer. And so were all the other force users.

A/N: Order 66 won't happen in this AU, but worse things may happen.
Emoji of the day: 👾

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